The FCT Investigator Programme
The FCT Investigator Programme aims to create a talent base of scientific leaders, by providing 5-year funding for the most talented and promising researchers, across all scientific areas and nationalities.
The Programme is centred on the researcher and his/her research project. The main evaluation criterion is scientific excellence: of the applicant’s background, career and of the research proposal. FCT Investigator applicants identify the host institution where they will carry out their research programme and career development. Selected FCT Investigators are contracted by the host institution through funding provided by FCT to the institution (FCT website).
In this year's edition, CINTESIS supported the application of 6 highly-talented young researchers and we are now proud to announce that Ana Margarida Ferreira was granted a Starting Grant!
Her work will "allow for users to tame their Big Data, learn with it and better protect, use and monitor it both before and during its sharing" with others. If you want to know more about her project or simply congratulate her go to her personal website and email her.
As always, this success story is a combination of hard work, perseverance and opportunity. Much like the applications to the "Programas Mobilizadores" programme that are being prepared. These are strategic R&D programmes aiming at the creation and / or development of new products, processes or services, to bridge the gap between Industry and academia. So, if you have a project that fits this description, get involved in an application.
António Soares, PhD
Research, Development & Innovation in CINTESIS