EPA fines Brooklyn
Agenda July 27
including Tim Watts, Federal Member for Gellibrand

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Hi everyone 

1) EPA fines Brooklyn Company 22 July 2016

Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has fined a Brooklyn company more than $7,500 for allowing offensive odours, described as smelling like manure, to leave its site and impact on the local community. 

EPA Metropolitan Manager Daniel Hunt said EPA had received multiple reports from the community and an investigation had traced the smell to JBS Australia, a meat processer on Industry Park Drive, Brooklyn. 

“An EPA officer responded to the public reports and conducted an odour survey that included an upwind investigation along Somerville Road and a downwind investigation along Geelong Road to confirm the source,” Mr Hunt said. 

“The EPA officer in the field said the odour had pig or cow manure characteristics and confirmed the odour with a local resident who reported it to EPA.” 

Mr Hunt said that the EPA had returned to the site the following day in response to another community report of an odour said to smell like a rendering process. 

“Given the smell was different from the previous day, and likely from a different source at the premises, EPA issued the company with two remedial notices, on top of the fine of $7,500, to ensure processes are improved at the site and no further odours leave its boundary,” Mr Hunt said. 

Mr Hunt said EPA expected all licence holders to comply with their strict EPA licence conditions to ensure that no environmental impacts occurred as a result of operations; otherwise they could face sanctions under the Environment Protection Act 1970.  

“Licence holders need to have programs to prevent environmental impacts and be able to demonstrate they are complying with their licence. The company in this instance has allowed odours to leave its site and impact on local communities, a clear breach of its EPA licence, which is why these sanctions have been handed down,” Mr Hunt said.  

EPA urges members of the public to report suspected pollution to EPA on 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC) or at

2) BCRG Community Forum Agenda July 27, 2016

The agenda is now available for the BCRG community Forum, July 27. click here

Guest speakers include Tim Watts, Federal Member for Gellibrand plus updates on the Brooklyn Reserve, Brimbank CC works, Susnhine Groupe and  EPA Victoria.

6.00 for 6:30 – 8:30pm
Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn.

All welcome

Your RSVP to Andrea at or 0427 338 482 would be appreciated.
Download Rolling Actions June 25, 2016
Download final Meeting Notes March 02, 2016
Download Snapshot of Meeting March 02, 2016

The  2016 Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forums: 

27th July and 16 November 2016,

6.00 for 6:30 – 8:30pm
Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn.
All welcome

BCRG Advertising and ongoing publicity and posters
We have produced a promotional poster for BCRG and put a few up in community centres in Yarraville and south of the freeway but it would be great to get them posted in more places. If you would like to put a poster up the document is available on the Brooklynip website.
  • Other ways you can help is to use this text and the links to the website and Facebook in your promotional material/social media.
Are you concerned about dust, noise and odour issues in the Brooklyn area?
The Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forum (BCRG) is an opportunity for members of the community, industry, local and state government to discuss issues about the air quality of the general Brooklyn area. It also enables the communication of plans and progress by individual industries, local government and EPA
The next Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forums are
th July and 16 November 2016, 6.00 for 6:30 – 8:30pm
Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn.
All welcome
RSVP Please to: Email: or phone: 0427 338 482


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Andrea Mason

Executive Officer
Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Ph: 0427 338 482
PO Box 8001, Rippleside, Vic, 3215

PS BCRG Community Forums for 2016 are Wednesday
27th July and 16 November.

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