
Issue No.11 Community Voices in Health Professional Education at UBC

January 2015

Issue 11

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In this issue
Other News

Have a news story for the next issue?

Send your stories or news item about patient or community voices in health professional education to Cathy Kline at

For more news and events...

Voices Newsletter

Reaching over 1200 people in the community and university, this newsletter promotes patient and community involvement in health professional education at UBC.


Meeting of Experts Workshop

Talk is Cheap: Living and Communicating with Aphasia

Thursday, January 29th, 5:00-7:30pm
Friedman building, UBC

The workshop is an opportunity for UBC students to learn what life is like with aphasia - a communication disorder that is the result of brain injury, most commonly stroke. Experts with aphasia will present information about their communication challenges and describe their experiences.

Registration is now FULL. 
Waitlisted individuals will have priority registration for encore workshops.
To register visit:

Space is limited to 25 students!

This workshop is eligible for 40 Exposure points in the IPE passport.

Patient's Voice 2015 Call for Abstracts! 

The conference will look at the progress that has been made since the first 'Where's the Patient's Voice?' conference was held in Vancouver, Canada in 2005.

The conference is about practice, innovation and theory that embed the patient/client/service user voice in health professional education.

It is an opportunity to share examples of how health professional education can be enriched by patient involvement. Read more...

Abstract deadline: April 30, 2015.

Support the Health Mentors Program

The Health Mentors program needs your help to sustain this influential education initiative for Canada’s future health leaders.

Funding is needed to continue this unique educational experience for students from different health disciplines to learn from patients living with a chronic disease or disability.
“Being able to learn so much about someone—their family, the barriers in their environment, how certain words carry different meanings for them—is allowing us to learn on a deeper level.” – Occupational Therapy Student

Find out how you can support this program...

Mentor Spotlight: Bill Gibson

"If you give of yourself you will receive." says Bill Gibson.

Bill began volunteering with UBC's Health Mentors program in 2012 because it seemed like a good idea - but what he got in return was unexpected.

Inspired by the successful, bright and focused students he mentored, Bill began taking on-line courses from renowned universities, including UBC. "I hadn't expected this. I envied my students' classes and learning. It's led to a better way of thinking about my health and the health of others." says Bill.

Bill also volunteers with Coast Mental Health and leads a weekly meditation group - a highlight of his week. "It is easy to give away time when you get so much for it." says Bill.

Learn more about UBC's Health Mentors program and how you can get involved at

Call for Health Mentors stories

Do you have a story about the Health Mentors program?

Select stories from students and mentors will be featured in the newsletter "Student & Mentor Spotlight" series.

If you have a story you’d like to share about your experience in the Health Mentors program, please send it in 200 words or less along with a photo. Stories should be written for a lay audience.
Deadline: February 15, 2015
Email your story & photo to

In Memoriam: Jude Swanson

Jude Swanson, community educator and author, passed away in January. He was dedicated to ending the stigma of mental illness and will be remembered for his contributions to the UBC Patient & Community Voices workshop series and Allies in Health Fair.

Jude shared his story and life experience with hundreds of UBC health care students and reached many more through his work with the Recovery Narrative Project. He will be missed by many people and programs including the Recovery Narrative Project and UBC Patient & Community Voices program.
Brought to you by:

Division of Health Care Communication
College of Health Disciplines
Woodward Instructional Resources Center
400 - 2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: (604) 822-8002