Acumen 2: Subscribe for Updates

Something wicked this way comes...

And it's been a long time coming. Between secret client projects and helping Magento build responsive design into the core platform, I've been very busy. But Acumen (and its leagues of buyers) were not forgotten. I've spent the last year rebuilding the foundation with the most modern, mobile-first, and extensible tools. Acumen 2 reaches far beyond the "skinning" most themes do.

It's nearly ready for release. I booked myself away from client work to complete the bulk of development, and polish Gravity Department's new and independent sales/distribution/support platform. This is a critical step to make selling products like Acumen sustainable (selling via Envato is not), and it means some changes are coming around pricing.

I'll be sending a survey soon to gather feedback around pricing and some product direction decisions.

Subscribe if you're interested in that and notifications about Acumen 2's release. There will only be a few emails before Acumen 2 is released (just the important stuff). I loathe email too.
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