
Ugh. Monday. Friends, I feel ya. Mondays can typically be a two cup of coffee morning. 

It seems like experts have a love/hate relationship with coffee. It's good for you. It's bad for you. No, wait! It IS good for you, especially when you drink a good cup without a lot of crap in it.

Quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants and has multiple health benefits. 

Studies show that the caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3% to 11%. Even better, it can also increase your fat burning anywhere from 10% to 29%. The science gives me tired-head but you can read all about it here

Here's the thing: Don't junk up your coffee with a bunch of crap like sugar, syrup or other high calorie ingredients. They pretty much cancel out the benefits coffee delivers. 

I enjoy coffee with skim milk, cream or So Delicious coconut milk creamer in hazelnut or French vanilla. I typically don't use any sweetener but add a liberal sprinkling of cinnamon which has been shown to help regulate blood sugar among other things. 

Some people cannot drink coffee for various health reasons. If that is you, don't go against your doctors orders and start. This fat burning power is not worth it. But if you and your doc are cool with coffee, drink up! It could help you slim down. 

Helping you rock your 2025 resolution! 

Disclaimer: All content presented in this email is for informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not a substitute for medical treatment. Consult the advice of a medical professional for specific health concerns.  

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