The International Social Science Council (ISSC) and its partners invite applications for proposals for Transformative Knowledge Networks for the recently launched Transformations to Sustainability Programme. Three Transformative Knowledge Networks will each be supported with up to €900,000 over three years.
The Transformations to Sustainability Programme seeks to address global sustainability challenges by supporting research on the complex processes of social transformation needed to secure effective, equitable and durable solutions. It will enable social scientists to develop knowledge networks that will both strengthen social science leadership in global change and sustainability research and foster on-the-ground progress towards greater sustainability.
An online submission form for proposals will open on February 2nd 2015. The deadline for submissions is March 31st 2015.
Find out more and download the full application pack on our website.
Future Earth Strategic Research Agenda 2014 published
The Strategic Research Agenda 2014 calls for a step-change in research to address serious environmental, social and economic challenges.
The report is the outcome of a year-long global consultation on the priorities for global change research, and focuses on three themes: firstly, on understanding how the planet is changing; secondly, on addressing urgent sustainable development needs; and thirdly, on transforming development pathways to be more sustainable in the long term.
The document sets out priorities to transform the science agenda by taking a systems view of global environmental challenges, integrating social and natural sciences. It is the result of a consultation process with global environmental change research communities and stakeholders from business, government and civil society, as well as an open online survey, launched in this newsletter, which received contributions from people in 74 countries worldwide.
Read more and download the Strategic Research Agenda 2014 on our website.
SDSN launches global consultation on “Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) has launched a new global consultation on “Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the SDGs” to run from 16th - 31st January 2015.
This draft report (available here) presents a comprehensive indicator framework for the Open Working Group (OWG) goals and outlines major indicator gaps that must be filled over the next twelve months. The draft incorporates comments from hundreds of organizations and has been prepared in consultation with the UN Statistics Division.
The SDSN seeks expert input to improve the framework, fill gaps, and consider the widest possible evidence. All comments should be submitted via the web form.The consultation will run from 16th - 31st January 2015.
Following the consultation, a revised report incorporating public comments will serve as input into the Expert Group Meeting on SDG Indicators in February 2015, being held in conjunction with the UN Statistical Commission – the body tasked with adopting the final indicator framework.
International Scientific Conference: Our Common Future Under Climate Change
This four-day conference taking place in Paris, France, is the largest forum for the scientific community to come together ahead of the COP21 of the UNFCCC in 2015.
The Conference will address key issues concerning climate change in the broader context of global change. A Call for Contributions is now open. The conference is organized under the umbrella of Future Earth,
UNESCO and major French research institutions, with the support of the French Government.
Find out more on the conference website.
The Future Earth Secretariat is seeking
five Global Hub Directors for its globally distributed headquarters in Boulder (USA), Montreal (Canada), Paris (France), Stockholm (Sweden) and Tokyo (Japan). Recruitment is carried out on behalf of the local and national partners of the different Global Hubs.The timing and specific process for hiring will vary across the hubs. Applications for the Montreal and Stockholm Global Hub Director positions are now open.
Please see our website for the full announcement and details of how to apply.
The Belmont Forum, a member of
the Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability, which sponsors Future Earth, is seeking a Director for the Belmont Forum Secretariat based in Paris, France. The Belmont Forum is a high-level group of the world's major and emerging funders of global environmental change research. The closing date for applications is January 31st 2015.
Find out more on the Belmont Forum website.