2104 has been an great year... So thankful you have joined us!
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Thanks for joining us... To define the year of 2014 in a single word, I believe it would have to be "transition."

We are so encouraged and excited at the transition God is taking us through as we prepare for a life of missions... Twelve months ago I remember sitting in one of the rooms at church getting prepared for a Uganda missions meeting. Lori was by my side in full support but had no intention of going herself. Then, without warning, a breeze started to blow... Literally the Holy Spirit spoke to her heart and she made the decision to go to Uganda. That's where everything changed for us.

When we returned from our 16 day journey in May, things were clearly different. We knew that the Lord was calling us to something different and we responded with a hearty, "Here am I Lord, send me." And that is when the process of change become incredibly real.

2014 has been a great time for the two of us. We have seen God provide in so many ways spiritually, emotionally, and financially. He has softened Grayson's heart and he is now looking to go with us for a couple of months in May 2015. He has comforted us when we over think on the things we are giving up to travel overseas and minister to the Ugandan people. And He has shown us where we lack faith and given us just enough each day to get through.

2014 has been a year of many changes. Some good and some challenging... But in it all God has shown Himself to be faithful and true. His Word is of greater comfort today than ever before. As we reflect on the past we can't help but be encouraged at the future God has for us in 2015. But with all that, we are still living day by day enjoying His grace and love as we eagerly anticipate our coming travels and future home in the town of Ishunga Uganda.

Remember to visit our blog for recent updates...

Be Blessed,
Keith & Lori Carey

What's happening at AFC? So glad you asked.

Bill and Danyal are spending their time daily ministering in the wonderful village of Ishunga Uganda. The team they have developed there is so faithful and encouraging as they work alongside the two of them. There have been hundreds of children coming to the kids program, local men and women attending Bible studies, and the entire community has been impacted by the Gospel of Christ. It has been a great and mighty thing the Lord has done.

In Kagala the Uganda Kids Project is faithfully serving families and ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of those who have very little or nothing at all. Kids are attending school thanks to the many of you who have sponsored a family. These young boys and girls would have otherwise been left out of school and continued in the cycle of poverty and despair. With the power of the Gospel and the hope of an education, many are seeing a different future than they could have ever imagined.

Locally in the states Lori and Keith are planning and preparing for future travels. As they prepare, please be praying that the people of God will rally around them and help in the support through prayer and finances. Dave and Deanna are growing the Gottracts ministry and the Evangelism Minute on internet and broadcast radio stations throughout the nation. Keith and Dave are in the process of brainstorming ideas to bolster the web presence and offer more tools and resources to help with evangelism training.

God is doing great and mighty things at AFC. We are encouraged that you have been a partner with us and look forward to sharing what the Lord is doing throughout the coming new year.

May the Lord bless you this coming year as you faithfully seek and serve Him.

The AFC Team...

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