News from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority 
December 2014
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2014: Year of Mobility

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year from all of us at the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority!

2014 was a big year for the Mobility Authority. We opened our second major roadway - the 290 Toll (Manor Expressway), completing a 10-year transition from start-up agency to an innovative regional transportation leader.

Construction on the MoPac Improvement Project near U.S. 183
Construction moved forward on the MoPac Improvement Project, the Mobility Authority’s most high-profile project yet. It will add Express Lanes on MoPac Blvd between Parmer Lane and downtown to give commuters a reliable option to get where they want to go. Watch for special information throughout 2015 to learn how Express Lanes will work.

We broke ground in 2014 on the Maha Loop, a non-tolled road we’re building for Travis County that will enhance mobility in eastern Travis County.

The new year promises more exciting changes. The Mobility Authority has more than $1 billion in projects open or under construction and $2 billion in development that will reconnect communities, businesses and families and set Central Texas in motion.

New Toll Rates

New toll rates will take effect Jan. 1, 2015 on the Mobility Authority’s 183A Toll and 290 Toll (Manor Expressway). Tolls will increase by 1.78 percent, which will add about a penny to most toll gates. For example, the changes will add ten cents to the cost of a full-length trip for TxTag customers on 183A and seven cents for those on Manor Expressway The increase is part of a Mobility Authority policy that adjusts toll rates annually in line with inflation to avoid larger increases over longer periods of time. As always, customers with a TxTag receive a 25 percent discount. Click here for the new 2015 toll rate chart.

Carma Toll Reimbursements Extended through June 2015!

Thanks to the growth in Carmapooling that Austin has experienced over the course of this year, the Mobility Authority has extended the exclusive toll reimbursements for Carma carpoolers into June 2015. That means you can continue to carpool with Carma into the new year, and save on your 183A Toll and 190 Toll (Manor Expressway) toll bills. We'll also have some exciting news to share in January for Carma members who use other Austin-area toll roads - stay tuned! Click here to learn more about Carma



Express Lane construction on the MoPac Improvement Project is moving forward with an expected opening in late 2015. Currently, the project is 53 percent complete.

North of US 183 the median has been graded and roadway base material has been placed. Bridge expansion continues and work has also begun on the shared use path that will run along the West side of MoPac.
Between US 183 and RM 2222 retaining walls are being constructed in the median. Drainage structures are being installed and grading and placement of roadway base material is being completed. 

South of RM 2222 crews are working to widen the bridges at Enfield, Windsor, Westover, 45th Street and RM 2222.

Visit  www.mopacexpress for the latest updates.

Maha Loop/Elroy Road

Construction on the two-mile, three lane, non-tolled road is on schedule to open in the spring of 2015. It will serve as an extension of Kellam Road, from Pearce Lane to Texas 71 and includes a sidewalk for pedestrians and shoulders to accommodate cyclists. Paving operations began in Nov. and continue as temperatures allow. Bridges are approximately 80% complete. 

Save 25 percent on 183A, the Manor Expressway and other toll roads with TxTag.

Learn more, sign up or manage your account here.


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(512) 996-9778

3300 N. IH-35
Suite 300
Austin, Texas 78705


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