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True Nature Muse-Letter (forest pathway image)

January, 2015

The latest on my book…

Many of you have asked when my forthcoming book, What I Gave to the Fire, will be available to purchase. First of all, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for asking. Your interest may have been piqued by the recent photo of me (courtesy of my daughter Olivia) jubilantly holding the printed proof which arrived on my doorstep in late December. In case you missed it, here it is (cue "Happy" song by Pharrell Williams):

And here's the scoop. (Note: this is a great learning moment about the creative process).

It's not quite ready yet.

In reading through the proof, tiny little errors began popping out of the woodwork. Things like missing words - mostly consisting of three letters or less. This prompted me to yell a few choice four-letter words in an "I've-been-working-on-this-for-eight-years-and-you-mean-to-tell-me-it's-not-done-YET?" outburst of epic proportions (just ask my husband - he witnessed the whole thing).

At that point I had a choice. Because I am self-publishing, I could submit for publication as-is, or go through the whole thing once again and fix the errors.

I was so tempted to just leave it as-is. I even had the phrase "done is better than perfect" on my side. This phrase has carried me through many battles against perfectionism. BUT - I am also committed to offering a product to the world that I am proud of. This led me to ask myself, in the grand scheme of things, what's 6 more hours out of an eight-year journey? (I just did the math. It's 0.0008561643836 percent.)

I made my choice, and that's where I am now: reading through the entire book again. And here's the beautiful thing: I found a way to do this that isn't excruciating. My husband and I are taking turns reading the chapters out loud to each other, pencil in hand, noting final corrections to be made. This process is melting my anger into a puddle. And it's just right, because ultimately, this book is a story he and I share, a story that was born out of a lost pregnancy. And the unexpected benefit of reading through it with him is the extra layer of HEALING and CONNECTION this is bringing to both of us.

So here's the creative lesson (which I learned through gritted teeth): when we focus on making the PROCESS meaningful, unexpected results happen on the way to the finish line. My finish line is so close. In fact, I can promise you that by the time my newsletter comes out next month, you'll be able to order your very own copy of my book.

Upcoming workshop!

A workshop for women and their creativity.
WHEN: Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 1-4PM

WHERE: Poplar Grove Schoolhouse, 4638 E. State Road 45, Bloomington, Indiana

COST: $40
The inner critic is a voice we all contend with when creating our art. Giving this voice power can destroy our relationship with our creative process. In this workshop, we will combine written and visual processes to help us identify our critic, give it shape, engage it in dialogue, and free ourselves from its influence. Expect surprises to arise from this exploration of our shadow voice.  This workshop is offered in partnership with the Writing for a Change Foundation of Bloomington, Inc.

Questions? Contact me.


A small step to try…

Think of a task you hate to do, such as:
  • Folding laundry
  • Editing a book (ha-ha)
  • Writing a paragraph for your website
How can you make the process more enjoyable or meaningful? Play music or listen to a podcast (I love Hay House radio) while you fold? Read part of your manuscript out loud to someone you trust? Meet a friend for tea (virtually or in person) for an hour while you bust out a draft? Let me know how it goes by sharing your comment on my Facebook page or blog.

Get the creative support you deserve.

"Kim is likeable, funny, real, creative, engaging, intelligent, talented, compassionate...a natural born coach."   – M.M., entrepreneur and coach 
Read more from happy clients

Openings for new clients in 2015

I am currently scheduling clients for 2015!, If you're interested in receiving a nourishing dose of support and inspiration for your personal or business creativity, contact me today! Want to test the waters? Try a FREE 30-minute sample session and see if it's a good fit for you. More details on my website!

Upcoming workshops

Interested in exploring your creative calling in a safely-held group environment? I'm excited to announce these upcoming workshops:

  • Calling out the Critic, Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 1-4 pm
    Expect surprises to arise from this exploration of our shadow visions and voice!
    through the Writing for a Change Foundation - link will open a new window)
  • Permission to Play, Saturday, April 25, 2015 from
    1-4 pm
    Lighten up, “think like a kid,” and open to wonder from a fresh perspective!
    through the Writing for a Change Foundation - link will open a new window)
  • Busting Through Creative Blocks, a 5-week series
    Get back into your creative flow. Raise your awareness and discover effective, sustainable ways to release what keeps you stuck!
    Upcoming in summer 2015
Spread the word, start a revolution! Do you know a creative individual or business owner who might enjoy and benefit from coaching? Please feel free to Forward this newsletter to him or her, and let's spread the joy of creating! I look forward to connecting with you one-on-one or in a group setting soon.

In humility and gratitude,

True Nature Newsletter provides regular announcements and inspiration for friends and clients of Kim Evans Studio. Kim is a graphic designer and creativity coach dedicated to delivering top-notch publications and passionate about helping individuals and business owners navigate the creative journey and find increased clarity, enjoyment, and flow in life, art, and enterprise. Kim also writes a True Nature Creativity blog. You can check that out here.

(If you'd rather not receive these monthly e-mails, please know you are free to unsubscribe at any time. I will not be offended – I promise!)

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