Living Life from the Heart | May 27-31, 2015
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When we live from the heart, our life becomes a beautiful unfolding mystery. We can never know what will happen next! With trust and inner strength one is content moment to moment, in reverence to the great I Am. The heart-centered practice of qigong builds the bridge from fate (the past) to our destiny (Now).

Living Life from the Heart
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Zhineng Qigong Retreat

We are very pleased to offer you 
an intimate and personalized 
5-Day Retreat
Daniela Jianshe Federico
May 27 - 31, 2015

Develop your power of presence in the active stillness of the qifield. Treat yourself to a life-affirming unfolding!

10:30AM - 6:30PM non-residential
Includes tuition & daily snacks

All are Welcome!
The retreat venue is 995 Wildwood Trail, Santa Rosa, California 95409. Click here for directions
Since this is a non-residential retreat, we have an agreement with a nearby B&B offering you a discounted rate while you participate in the retreat. You can also choose to commute from home or stay at any of a variety of hotels and motels nearby. Let us know if you have any questions! 
"...I wanted to thank you so much for the retreat. Jianshe, you (Dani) and Federico (aka mr Chen chi) had a remarkable effect on my daily practice, and I experienced profound shifts.  It was perfect, I would not change a thing.  Location was great too!  I will happily attend any future events. Wow. " Mark M.
Peaceful and attractive retreat setting
"Cultivating Qi is not the most fundamental; cultivating our spirit is. Mastery of Qi is really achieved through mastery of Shen (consciousness-mind). We use mind in a careful, crafts-manlike way, to shape our life, to attain our goals. If we use modern terminology to name this process, we call it qigong." 
Dr. Ming Pang, originator of Zhineng Qigong
 "...The retreat was a turning point for me in my practice and I thank you so much for bringing it together with Jianshe.  His teaching was so seemingly simple and so very profound.  You are all wonderful teachers.  I gained many insights and new perspectives on the various Zhineng Qigong practices and benefited so much from your deep understanding and the way you teach from your hearts."
Sandra K.
Enjoy a warm and welcoming practice space
"Thank you so much for allowing me to come to this retreat with you and Liu Jianshe.  It was life changing...Your teaching is amazing and I hope I can come to any events you have. You are both the best - your consistent love and support is invaluable to me." Marilyn S.  
Federico Garcia
Federico has dedicated over 21 years of his life to studying the ancestral traditions of inner wisdom.

In spite of medical diagnoses in 2006, he has transformed 'incurable' autoimmune disease. Federico works as a trauma therapist using the Somatic Experiencing methods in conjunction with the classical Chinese medicine principles and techniques of Zhineng Qigong. After more than 8 years of study, devotion and dedicated daily practice, he continues to discover treasures within the principles and methods of Zhineng Qigong.
Liu Jianshe
has mastered the art and science of Zhineng Qigong healing and has been engaged in teaching since 1991.

He established the Hexanju Qigong Center in Hainan Island in 2004 and has spread Zhineng Qigong in service of Dr. Pang in many cities and villages in China, as well as Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, UK and Germany.
Jianshe Laoshi has witnessed many marvels of healing with his own eyes and feels deeply that Qigong can bring HOPE to humanity and HARMONY to the world.
Daniela Carraro
Dani is a qigong teacher and healer with over 19 years of experience exploring consciousness and healing.

Daniela approaches her healing work as a vehicle for grace and service. She has studied throughout China under several source teachers - including Gu Xiaomin, Ma Yin, Liu Jianshe, Liu Peng and Liu Bin.
Dani’s intense dedication and training come through every time as a clear and pure transmission of love. She  facilitates weekly classes, workshops and healing events throughout the Bay Area, San Diego and Europe.

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