January 20: Trottier Energy
Futures Project Milestone Meeting
June 4-5: Annual Meeting,
Call for Nominations - Honorary
The Board of Directors of
the CAE is inviting nominations of new Honorary
Fellows. The form and guidelines are available
in the Fellows’ section of our
website. This designation recognizes la crème de
la crème of those who have shaped the practice
of engineering. Our guidelines stipulate two
high level criteria: “an individual who has made
an outstanding contribution to the engineering
profession in Canada, another country or
globally” and “contributions well above what is
expected for a Fellow of the Academy”.
If you know an outstanding
individual whose lifetime contributions to the
practice of engineering are in the “well above”
range, please submit a nomination to the CAE
office no later than December 15, 2014.
Montreal Section
On 19 November, 22 CAE
Fellows met at the University of Montreal.
President Pierre Lortie gave an update on CAE
Yves Beauchamp, Vice Rector,
University of Montreal made a presentation
University’s Outremont site project and the
Sciences and Engineering complex in
collaboration with École Polytechnique. Yves was
elected as President of the Section, replacing
Andre Bazergui, Ron Crotogino was elected VP,
and Lorne Trottier and Jean-Luc Fihey also
joined the Executive.