Government consultation period coming to a close. Have you responded?
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Ontario Beekeepers' Association: Since 1881
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January 11, 2015
Dear <<First Name>>,

Happy New Year, everyone. It's been pretty bumpy so far weather-wise, but otherwise OBA is ticking along. We have a few reminders and information in this edition of the newsletter. First of all, don't forget to respond to the Ontario Government's discussion paper on their proposed regulatory approach to neonicotinoids by January 25th. We provide a sample email which you and edit and also a blank one. But it's important to be heard on this, as the opposition is strong and motivated.

Second, we'd like to get your opinions on a diploma in commercial beekeeping course that OBA has been working on with Niagara College. This could be the perfect course for beekeepers thinking about acquiring the skills to increase their income from beekeeping or those new to beekeeping and considering beekeeping as an agricultural vocation. So give it some thought and take a couple of minutes to complete our short  questionnaire.

And finally, a reminder that the deadline for the Beekeepers Financial Assistance Program is January 30th. For more information look here.

All the best,

Tibor Szabo, President

Neonic issue heats up. Consultation continues.

We may be heavily into winter, but when it comes to the proposed neonic regulations it's getting warmer all the time.

Subsequent to the announcement of a proposed regulatory system aimed at reducing neonicotinoid usage on 80% of corn and soy fields by 2017, the Province set up a series of consultations to discuss the plan and implementation issues. OBA has attended all sessions so far (Kingston is coming up on the 14th), and found them enlightening, respectful and constructive. The Grain Farmers of Ontario, however, boycotted them, not wanting their message (as they put it) "to be diluted at urban venues by non-stakeholders". Instead they insisted on an agriculture-only meeting to which OBA was not invited. And then, according to the National Farmers' Union, as the meeting started, GFO, CropLifeCanada, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, the Canadian Seed Trade Association, the Ontario Agri Business Association and the Canola Council of Canada made statements opposing this proposal and walked out of the room.

In a statement, GFO, announced that they would, instead, create their own process and develop an alternative solution. 
The OBA is disappointed and disturbed at the strong-armed and secretive tactics of the GFO and the AgChem industry, but we remain committed to the process and to talking and collaborating with all those who are open to it. Currently we are reaching out to farm groups and looking for ways to build bridges and to make the proposed regulatory system work effectively for all.

In the meantime, the Ontario government is continuing their consultation. OBA is encouraging all beekeepers and bee supporters to read and respond to the consultation paper.
OBA is currently completing its own response, which we will share, but we have provided a draft email for you to send to the government. Deadline: Jan. 25, 2015

You can find the government's  consultation paper here.

You can find a draft email which you can personalize here.

Or you can write your own email here.

If you are in the Kingston area, don't forget the meeting on the 14th.

Come to the Bee Breeders' Meeting

The annual planning meeting of the Ontario Resistant Honey Bee Selection program ORHBS will be held at the Orchard Park Office Centre in Guelph on February 4, 2015 at 10 am. The focus will be on the ORHBS breeding program evaluation techniques and selection criteria as well as information on developing the new Honey Bee Breeding and Formal Breeding Program workshop.

The meeting is  open to all honey bee queen breeders including those participating in the ORHBS program, as well as anybody who is interested in learning what is involved in a focused honey bee breeding program. For more information, or to confirm your attendance at the meeting, buzz the Tech-Transfer office at 519.836.3609 or email

Nominations will be accepted for the OBBA chair and committee members up until the February meeting. Voting for a new chair will take place at the meeting. If you would like to be part of the OBBA committee, contact the TTP for more information.

Niagara College considering diploma course in commercial beekeeping.

Niagara College, in partnership with the OBA, is considering offering a diploma program for commercial beekeeping. This program is for those who want to acquire or upgrade skills to increase their incomes from beekeeping, producing honey, pollination services, rearing queens or producing and selling packages of bees or nucs. This course would involve field work at the college apiary, a job placement program and teaching core beekeeping skills and the fundamentals of the business of beekeeping.

The OBA believes that with the legislative changes being proposed which will result in more healthy forage, the increasing price of honey, the growing demand for pollination services and existing opportunities for export, that this is a good time to encourage the growth of the beekeeping industry.

To assess the interest in such a program we have developed a five minute questionnaire. Plese take a minute to give us your opinion or  pass it on to anyone you think might be interested:

Of interest to Northern Ontario beekeepers.Agricultural businesses are eligible for funding under the Northern Ontario Heritage New Business program. Eligible projects for start-up businesses that create jobs include leasehold improvements, new or used equipment, training costs, communications technology and marketing costs. For more information look here:

Tax deferral for beekeepers: 2014-15 Federal budgetFor 2014 and later taxation year, the tax deferral currently available to farmers who dispose of breeding livestock due to drought, flood or excess moisture conditions in a prescribed region is extended to bees. 



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