Our new ministry roles and life in Ensenada
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Youth with a Mission San Diego/Baja

We just finished a week of 'staff intake' and are ready to get moving! 

December was a GREAT month! We had a chance to unwind from the stress of moving, get settled in and spend 2 1/2 weeks in GA! We were able to participate in a family wedding, and be home for Christmas. We were truly spoiled and want to thank everyone for making us feel so loved and welcome! 

Now for info about here... every quarter the staff development team organize a week long orientation for all new staff coming in. We were participants and had the chance to learn about this great ministry location where we'll be serving. Here's a LINK to their website if you're interested to find out more. 

Sean and Janet Lambert founded this YWAM location in October of 1991 and it has since grown to three operating locations/campuses. One in San Diego, one in Tijuana right on the border, and one in Ensenada with leaders Tym and Sam Kemp. There are hundreds and thousands of people that come through these campuses every year through missionary training programs, short term missions opportunities for youth, building homes for poor families, partnering with local ministries, etc. Right now there are over 160 on staff between the locations (not including children). 

One of the biggest ministries is called Homes of Hope. We receive teams from all over the U.S. and Canada that come for several days to build a home for the marginalized poor. We're able to reach out to them in a practical way, showing Jesus' love and obeying His commands to give to those in need. Once they receive a home, those that are interested are offered ongoing discipleship opportunities. 

Pepe and I will be working with the Homes of Hope (HOH) ministry. Our heart and passion is Community Development, and we'll be partnering with Julio Hernandez, who's a great personal friend and the leader of the HOH ministry in Ensenada. We'll help support the family selection process (who's eligible to receive the houses) and seek to strengthen the follow-up process by coming alongside local churches and helping families get connected to ongoing discipleship opportunities. I (Nicole) will be more involved in the logistics and planning process for the ministry, in communication with the teams coming in, etc. 

P.S. At the end of the email is an updated mailing address. We can now receive mail (only letters) in the states at a P.O. box that is then delivered here. If you do send something, just put our names and YWAM Ensenada in parentheses so they know which location we're at. Thanks! 

Tecate! We continue with a vision in the future to go to Tecate and start a ministry there. We know that God has specific preparation in store for us during our time in Ensenada, however long God would have us here. Growing in our gifting, our leadership ability, learning as a family, in relationships, etc. We will be visiting Tecate every so often, and we will pray for clarity as we start developing our vision statement and seek out God's heart for His purposes there. We'll keep you updated as things unfold! One of the students in the last school we helped with, Gamaliel (pictured above) has a future vision for Tecate as well. He's come to be staff here in Ensenada with us and we consider him part of our family! 
Our family is doing great, Camila is 15 months now and as full of life as ever! She can always keep us entertained and it's so fun to see her discover the world. We're excited to start a fresh new year. As we've been praying for this new season and the process of transition, a phrase that keeps coming to mind is: "Faithful in the Little". We keep meditating on this and believe it will be our theme phrase as a family this year. How can we be faithful with our marriage, what does that look like practically? In our parenting with Camila? In our YWAM community? In our ministry roles? Etc. How are we faithful in our relationship with God and in how we go about spreading His Kingdom? 
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

On a closing note, we just want to thank everyone who made these last few months possible. We've been/are being stretched in our faith, our obedience and our vision. We've gone through so much in these last few months and have dearly felt your prayers and support on so many levels. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and may the Lord kindly repay you 100 times over! 

If you would like to sow into our ministry, and receive a tax-deductible receipt, please make checks payable to YWAM (don't put our names anywhere on the check) and attach a note stating that your donation is for the ministry of Jose and Nicole Ceballos. Please mail checks to:
YWAM Accounting
PO BOX 3000
Garden Valley, TX 

If you don't need a tax-deductible receipt, you can donate directly to our paypal account through the button below. Thank you! 
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