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Welcome to the very first newsletter for 2015!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a chance to recharge batteries over the holiday period just in time for an amazing 2015!

I have only just arrive back to work full time yesterday, so this is only a very small newsletter to start off the year.

Strata topic trending at the moment: SMOKING in strata. For all of the latest news and information have a look at our FactSheet: Strata Smoking.

Please forward this newsletter on to others who may be interested. We thank you for your support! If you have received this email but you are not yet subscribed you can join us by subscribing here.

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Beware Strata Levies That Are Too Low!

Lisa Rutland,
Low strata fees are only good if that is genuinely how much it costs to run the body corporate. Be sure to do your homework and find out if that is the case!
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Methods for Effective Repairs Management

Aylie Brutman, Rockend

To prevent large and unexpected repair jobs it is important to identify any potential problems in your building through a Preventative Maintenance Program.
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Downsizing 101 – Epic Formula to Downsize With Style

Bettina Deda, Downsize With Style
You are planning to move to a smaller home or are in the process of decluttering already? Even if you are super-tidy and organised, you may be facing some challenges.
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NSW: Can I Keep My Pet in My Strata Unit, Townhouse or Villa?

Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers

Keeping pets in apartments - strata units, townhouses or villas - may raise a number of contentious issues including within your scheme. We provide some useful tips to guide you through the process of having a pet in strata.
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NSW: Owners Corporation Update on Commencement Proclamation of the Home Building Amendment Act 2014

David Bannerman and Ben Robertson, Bannermans Lawyers
On 10 December 2014 it was proclaimed that the Home Building Amendment Act 2014 (“the Amendment Act”) would commence in two stages. Stage 1 is due to commence 15 January.
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Most read article from our last newsletter!

Who Pays Special Levies: The Buyer or The Seller?

Lisa Rutland,
Special levies happen in body corporates more often than you might think. During the sale of a body corporate property who pays the special levy? Is it the buyer or the seller?
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Breaking News

Our latest popular Tweets & Facebook posts:

A garden in my apartment

TPG pushes on with broadband ambitions

12 New Year Resolutions for Apartment Residents

NSW: Sydney backpacker survives dangerous seven-storey balcony fall

QLD: No sex please, we are West Enders

Balcony smoking ban under consideration in Queensland

VIC: Docklands tower fire reveals slum housing

Ghetto warning: Call to change foreign investor property rules
Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
We took advantage of the quiet period over December/January to completely overhaul the Australian Strata Services Directory. Have you had a chance to check it out? Take a look.

Do you appear as a Featured Listing? If not, ask me how you can secure a spot!

Don't forget to join our Strata Services Networking Group on LinkedIn for some great strata networking and information! Visit the group & view latest discussions & posts HERE.
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Spotlight on FactSheet....

Visit the ACT FactSheet

Strata Events Calendar

FEB 11
SCA (WA): Strata Outlook 2015

FEB 21
NSW: Owners Corporation Network General Meeting

FEB 27
NSW: Downsizing 101 - New Workshop for Empty Nesters

Oct 28
NSW: LEGAL UPDATE – Drafting Strata By-Laws
Sustainable Residential Tower set to Commence after Two Week Sell-Out - See more at:
Visit our Strata Events Page
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