Advocating for Birds: Audubon's Climate Change Report

If you have been keeping up with the National Audubon Society focus these days (and how could you miss it given all the coverage in Audubon Magazine?), then you are aware that last September's "Birds and Climate Change" report has kicked off a huge "Spread the word!" campaign about the threat posed to North American birds by our warming planet. Based on Audubon's peer-reviewed study, which assessed over seventy-five years of data, 314 species of birds find themselves "climate threatened" or "climate endangered," meaning that as the climate warms and birds are forced to relocate to more suitable temperatures and humidity levels, these species will lose range -- sometimes so much so that they are in threatened with extinction. There have been only nine bird extinctions in the US and its territories since Audubon's founding in 1905, but there could be over twice as many extinctions in the next sixty years if we don't take steps to slow the progress of climate change and give native birds the chance to adapt.
Indeed, the topic of climate change is all over the news these days. Evidence continues to mount that melting sea ice, rising sea levels, warming oceans and global temperatures, increased periods and areas of drought, stronger hurricanes and winter storms, shifts in plant and animal ranges, and subtle differences in bird migration patterns are (at least in part) caused by human activity. Over a century ago, irresponsible farming practices caused the dust bowl; careful science and the resulting improvement of farming practices ushered in a new period of prosperity. The same sort of sea change needs to happen again, this time with energy production and use and with our stewardship of the planet.
To this end, we invite you to join with us in Frankfort for Clean Energy Lobby Day on February 5th. The event is orchestrated by the Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance, a group devoted to promoting clean, sustainable, and affordable energy solutions for Kentucky. We plan to present them with information about the Audubon Birds & Climate Report, stressing not only the importance of good energy sources and legislative support, but also the need for tomorrow's energy technologies to be as bird-friendly as possible. Reading through our Upcoming Events section below, you'll notice a number of "Earth Day" movies and events -- CKAS is even hosting The City Dark on March 25th as part of the Bluegrass Earth series, a few days before Earth Hour -- and while it may not be readily apparent what these events have to do with birds, the Audubon report shows that the welfare of our native birds rests heavily on many of the issues these events address. We hope to see and hear you at these events, letting people know that Audubon is in this for the birds, that we realize change is necessary and possible, and that we're fully behind reducing our environmental footprints and giving our birds a chance. This year marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day; let's all mark the occasion by finding new ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle -- for future generations of birds and people alike. It's time to act.
18th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count
Mark your calendars! This year's Great Backyard Bird count is February 13th to 16th. Counting is free and as easy as 1 - 2 - 3! If you've never participated in the GBBC, you can get started here. Last year's count received over 144,000 checklists from 135 different countries. This is citizen science you don't want to miss! During the count, you can explore what others are seeing in your area or around the world. Share your bird photos by entering the photo contest, or enjoy images from across the globe!
Upcoming CKAS (& Other) Events
Jan. 31st (Sat.) 6:00pm: Owl Prowl Raven Run Nature Sanctuary 3990 Raven Run Way, Lexington. Join us at Raven Run for an after-hours evening walk to look and listen for owls. Please RSVP by calling (859) 272-6105 so the Sanctuary knows how many attendees to expect.
Feb. 1st (Sun.) 8:30am-11:30am+/-: Bird Walk (w/ASK) Lexington Cemetery 833 W. Main St., Lexington. Meet/park around the first right turn after coming in the gate. Do NOT park in the gatehouse spaces!
Feb. 4th (Wed.) 7:00pm: Kentucky Authors Speak: Gwyn Hyman Rubio Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market St., Lexington. Meet in the Tilford Room to hear Gwyn Hyman Rubio read from and discuss her new book Love & Ordinary Creatures, told from the point of view of a pet cockatoo.
Feb. 5th (Thu.) 8:30am-3:00pm: Clean Energy Lobby Day (w/KYSEA) Capitol Annex 702 Capitol Ave., Frankfort. Join Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance as a citizen lobbyist to storm the hill asking our legislators to support clean energy. Meet at 8:30 in Room 145 or orientation and to pick up lobbying materials. A great opportunity to get out the word on Audubon's national climate initiative.
Feb. 7th (Sat.) 8:00am-1:00pm: Live Raptors at the Fayette County District Science Fair Tates Creek High School 1111 Centre Parkway, Lexington. Join us as we welcome Raptor Rehab and their education birds. Which birds will they bring this year? Drop by the CKAS table to see!
Feb. 8th (Sun.) 8:30am-4:00pm: Geier Center & Cincinnati Museum Center Trip Join us for a special visit to the Geier Collections and Research Center and a visit to the Cincinnati Museum's exhibit Martha: A Story of Extinction. To carpool/caravan, meet at the Starbucks off I-75 Georgetown exit (476 Connector Road, Georgetown KY 40324) at 8:30am; or meet at the Geier Center (760 W. 5th St., Cincinnati) at 10:00am. Limited to 20 participants; please RSVP to president@centralkentuckyaudubon.org.
Feb. 10th (Tue.) 1:00pm-3:00pm: Bluegrass Birding Festival Planning Meeting. Location TBD (likely the Bell House conference room, 545 Sayre Ave). If you would like to help plan the 2nd Annual Bluegrass Birding Festival, here's your chance. Bring your great ideas! Can't make the meeting but want to help? Contact Nic Patton to get added to the e-mail list.
Feb. 13th-16th (Fri.-Mon.): Great Backyard Bird Count. Your Backyard. An annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are across the continent. More info on counting and to register your count at birdsource.org.
Feb. 14th (Sat.) 10:00am: Junior Naturalist GBBC: McConnell Springs 416 Rebmann Lane, Lexington. Kids K-5th learn about the Great Backyard Bird count and help the Springs Naturalist count the birds. Please call (859) 225-4073 to preregister.
Feb. 14th (Sat.) 11:00am: Secret Love Lives of Birds: Wild Birds Unlimited 152 N. Locust Hill, Lexington. Dan Sweigard, owner of Wild birds, presents a fun-filled, informative, PG-13 presentation on avian courtship, pair bonding strategies, and more.
Feb. 15th (Sun.) 8:30am-12:30pm: Bird Walk (w/ASK) Hisle Park 3551 Briar Hill Rd., Lexington. Meet in the main parking area.
Feb. 19th (Thu.) 9:30am-2:00pm: Biodiversity in Kentucky Day (w/KCC) Capitol Annex: Room 113 702 Capitol Ave., Frankfort. Join Kentucky Conservation Committee and over a dozen other organizations on hand to share their expertise and activities and to celebrate Kentucky's natural riches.
Feb. 19th (Thu.) 7:00pm: Movie: A Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for a Living Planet (w/OWFF) Central Public Library: Farish Theater 140 E. Main St. Lexington. One World Film Festival presents a free showing of A Fierce Green Fire, a highly acclaimed exploration of the environmental movement.
Feb. 22nd (Sun.) 1:00pm-4:30pm: Bird Walk (w/ASK) Lake Ellerslie: Reservoir #4 Meet in the outside parking lot of Lakeside Golf Course 3725 Richmond Road (Coys Drive) for a 1:00 PM DEPARTURE. The gate at the fishing club will be locked once we gain access, so don't be late!!!
Mar. 13th (Fri.) 7:00pm-10:00pm: Woodcock Watch Raven Run Nature Sanctuary 3990 Raven Run Way, Lexington. Joining us at Raven Run for an after-hours evening walk to look and listen for the peenting aerial display of the elusive American Woodcock. Please RSVP by calling (859) 272-6105 so the Sanctuary knows how many attendees to expect.
Mar. 14th (Sat.) 9:00am-12:30pm: Bird Walk (w/ASK) Lake Ellerslie: Reservoir #4 Meet in the outside parking lot of Lakeside Golf Course 3725 Richmond Road (Coys Drive) for a 9:00 AM DEPARTURE. The gate at the fishing club will be locked once we gain access, so don't be late!!!
Mar. 18th (Wed.) 7:00pm-9:30pm: CKAS General Meeting: *NOTE: NEW LOCATION* Transylvania University Library 300 North Broadway, Lexington. It's not all business so please attend! Planned topics: CKAS's March 25th hosting of The City Dark, Barn Owl Boxes, & Bluegrass Birding Festival involvement and planning. All members and curious non-members welcome. We'll likely go to dinner someplace close (Atomic Cafe? Saul Good? Village Idiot?).
Mar. 25th (Wed.) 7:00pm-9:00pm: Movie: The City Dark Central Public Library: Farish Theater 140 E. Main St. Lexington. Join us for a free showing of The City Dark, a highly acclaimed documentary about light pollution and the disappearing night sky. A Bluegrass Earth event. Q & A Discussion following the film. Volunteers needed: e-mail CKAS to help.
Mar. 28th (Sat.) 8:00pm: Earth Hour Owl Prowl Raven Run Nature Sanctuary 3990 Raven Run Way, Lexington. Celebrate Earth Hour by joining us at Raven Run for an after-hours evening walk to look and listen for owls. Please RSVP by calling (859) 272-6105 so the Sanctuary knows how many attendees to expect.