The rest of the story - Richard & Christine
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What Happened Next...

God did what He promised

Here's the rest of the story:

After you began praying for Richard and Christine, it seemed like things became worse. Richard's parents own three houses of which they live in one. In their belief, they owe worship and honor to their grandparents and ancestors for providing these houses. It is their duty to worship them and give them honor in the afterlife in return for their provision in this life. This is part of their ancestor worship.

That night, Richard's father gave them an ultimatum. If you become a Christian - get out. You can no longer live in the family house and we will no longer provide you any financial support. It's a little hard to understand in our western culture, but it is very common in this culture for families to share resources intergenerationally. 

Along with asking you to pray, I called our pastor and his wife, who already knew Richard and Christine and they met for lunch the next day to pray with them and give them wise counsel. 

That night, Richard's uncle, his father's brother showed up at their house unannounced and uninvited. Richard told me this was very uncommon and out of the ordinary. His uncle spent a great amount of time talking with his father telling him it was no big deal for Richard and Christine to go to church. The uncle had many Christian friends and customers and thought they were great. In the end, the father told Richard and Christine they could stay in the family home and he would no longer oppose them going to church.

Oh, and the best part! Richard and Christine are trusting in Christ! 

More good news!

We've been praying for God to open doors for us at the National Taichung University of Education and...

This past week, I got a call from one of our friends asking if I would like to lead a Bible study on campus. Today, I met with the Agatha, the professor who sponsors this study. Read about her amazing story of God's grace. 

When Agatha was a college student at NTCU, she was searching for help and began visiting temples and churches to find answers. She ended up at Taichung Baptist Church, where I attend, and a lady their who loved University students reached out to her and led her to Christ. Since then, she has led her entire family to Christ. She has a heart for college students and when the current leader suggested stopping the regular weekly outreach because she had become too busy, Agatha said no, she would find a new leader. I'm so thankful for this opportunity to be used on campus and ask for your prayers that God would draw many students to Christ. 

In addition, this past week, I had dinner with Philip Lin and his family (Sarah, Timothy and Joshua), who we have worked with for so many years at DongShan High School. At dinner we were talking about school and as it turns out, Timothy is a freshman at NTCU. He's going to help me reach out to his classmates. The study will be in both English and Chinese - another opportunity that wouldn't have been open without being able to speak Chinese. (Timothy (R) and Joshua are pictured above)

Finally, Agatha, the professor is actually a professor in the Childhood Education Department. She and Crista are going to have some opportunities to work together also. 

God's Providence is so wonderfully sweet. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. God works for His good and glory - In His time. 

One more quick story. My new language partner, Eragon, and I have been meeting most afternoons. Last Thursday, Eragon told me that he had been thinking the day before and he was just overcome with thankfulness. He didn't know what to do so he just called out to "God" to say thanks for what is happening in his life. Would you please pray that God would save Eragon. Here's a pic:

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Prayer Requests

  • Crista is sick right now. Please pray for a quick recovery. 

  • Pray for our spiritual protection. Along with the many good things God is doing, we are constantly under the attack of the enemy. 

  • Pray for God to continue to show us the opportunities we are to take and refuse the ones we shouldn't. Wisdom for each decision. 

  • Pray for continued help learning Mandarin. This stage is extremely difficult, but also well worth it. Very deep and heart felt language and communication skills that I will be able to use in preaching, teaching and sharing the Gospel.

  • Pray for the teams that will come to help us, that God will call the right people to join the teams and for the students here who will sign up for the camps - for them to hear and respond to the Gospel in saving faith!

    Eragon, BiJuang, Zhirling, Richard & Christine, Daniel, Jason, Robby, Dr. Paul, and the others we have mentioned before. 
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