That whole "journey of 1,000 miles" saying? Yeah. That.
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Center Stage Wellness - Healthy News from Stacy

C'mon get healthy, Sunshine


I was working on my Circle of Life exercise the other day and thought you might want to play along.

The goal of the exercise isn't to "score highly" or anything, it's just a way to visually reflect what's going on right now in your life.

I have my clients revisit this exercise 2-3 times per year so they can track changes. I was explaining this to my friend, Amy, the other day, so here is her chart as an example.

Amy's Circle of Life

I even use it myself to see where I need to direct some energy.

You can't work on everything at the same time, though, so let's make it a series.

First up: HEALTH

This means both physical and mental health.

All the pieces of your life are connected, so of course your physical activity, home cooking, career, relationships, finances, etc., all impact this.

Keep in mind that you may be doing AWESOME in some areas (go you!) and really need to focus on others. So apply what you can and leave the rest.

How do you feel?
  • Are you frequently sick or in pain?
  • Do you feel like your needs are being met?
  • Are you fitting self-care into your schedule?
What's the next step you can take to feel better?

Maybe it's
  • finally setting up that overdue physical or wellness visit.
  • getting that suspicious mole looked at.
  • scheduling a massage.
  • drinking more water.
  • eating better to boost your immune system.
  • going to bed 30 minutes earlier.
  • putting some "me time" in your calendar.
There's no right or wrong answer. What comes to mind first?

For me it's a combination of more self-care and more sleep. This week I got a massage and took a much-needed nap. I always feel resistance beforehand, but afterward I can't understand why I waited.

What are you going to start with?

(Seriously, hit REPLY and let me know. I'd love to hear it.)

P.S. Next up is home cooking - a subject near and dear to my heart.

Load images to see my smiling face!Stacy Spensley supports overwhelmed perfectionists to stop spinning their wheels, get unstuck, and finally take action to lead healthy, kick-ass lives. She is professionally bossy and an ardent supporter of the Oxford comma.

Stacy is a healthy life coach, certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and a member of the International Association of Wellness Professionals.

CLICK HERE to learn more about working with Stacy.
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