Conference Recap
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TACL Family,

Thank you for an awesome MLK weekend in LA!

With all the picture-tagging and that TAP-SF video on Facebook with over 1.1k views, I suspect that we are all experiencing some form of #MidtermWithdrawal.

After all the love and fun at Midterm Conference, here are 3 things I hope you took back with you:

  1. Informative facts regarding TACL’s history & programs and supportive marketing tools that will help you further invigorate the TA community in your cities;
  2. Stronger relationships with other chapters and programs to bolster our TACL family and the take on National Board’s challenge to continue working together across cities and cross-country;
  3. Reinforced sense of TACL family, passion for the community and FUN! as the driving factors for all the volunteer work that we do together.
For people who missed the Conference, I hope y’all are feeling some major #FOMO and will join us for National Convention over Labor Day weekend, September 4-7. #taclmeet #taclfamily #tacl30

Where did we come from : TACL History + National Board Updates
We kicked off the Conference with a quick refresher of TACL’s 30 years of history, touching on our imprint in the Asian American community with the 1986 Demonstration in Monterey Park and our role in supporting AB2428, “Kenny’s Law”, in California. The National Board (“NB”) shared our upcoming initiatives and kicked off the TACL Boards 2015 Facebook Group as the new forum where NB will be updating everyone on what we’re working on. If you’re not part of the group yet, please ask your respective Presidents/Program Directors to add you!

Who are we : What Makes us Thrive
Attendees connected over similar experiences growing up as Taiwanese Americans, thought about why they volunteer their time with TACL and bonded over their funniest TACL moments. #lifeTA #taiwaneseamerican4ever #instantconnection

What do we do : Programs of TACL + Positions Breakout
TAP Chapters learned about their sibling programs that target younger Taiwanese Americans. A deeper understanding of our TACL Family helps us work together to develop our TA community throughout all age groups. The earlier we start developing young leaders who care about the community, the stronger our community will grow. #lifelongcommunity #pipelineofLEADERS
How do we improve : Skills Workshops
Each chapter and program used the marketing tools we learned to identify their target market and their product, pricing, and promotion strategies. This then allowed the chapters and programs to discuss their overall marketing and social media strategies. We measured ourselves on the “Social Media Ruler” and set 5 next steps we want to accomplish before the National Convention. Remember our hashtags: #lifeta #taclfamily

Where do we go from here : FOTB + Discussion
With the network’s consent, ABC gave us the opportunity to preview the pilot episode of their new sitcom, “Fresh Off the Boat,” which stirred some intriguing discussions on Asian Americans in the media. While somewhat controversial, having this dialogue and a presence in the media is a big step forward for Asian Americans, and TACL’s stance is to support at least the first episode to keep that conversation going. So, remember to watch the pilot on Tuesday, Feb. 10th. #TAintheMedia #lifeTA #FOTB

TAP-LA 10th Annual Gala in Celebration of TACL’s 30th Anniversary
TAP-LA invited the TACL family to a black-tie gala where the chic ladies in fashionable gowns and the polished gentlemen with their handsome suits and bowties rocked the dance floor. Amid the star-studded attendees were Congressman Ed Royce and Congresswoman Judy Chu; former TACL leaders George Wu and Gene Wu (sons of Li-Pei Wu), Steven Huang (Head of Taiwan Center in LA), Ben Ling, Teddy Liaw and Bob Wu; performers Priska and Eric Hsu; and comedian Jenny Yang as MC and Linsanity producers, Chris Chen, Brian Yang and Allen Lu.
A big thank you again to TAP-LA for hosting an awesome midterm conference and banquet, and sorting out all those crazy logistics; thanks to the National Board for planning and leading all the interesting and thought-provoking sessions during the Conference; and thanks to all of YOU for participating and attending!

For your viewing pleasure, our Midterm Recap video:

See y’all Labor Day Weekend for some National Convention FUN!


PS... Slide, wiggle, raise-the-roof, arms, swim/drown, roof, roll, roll-left, fist pump #insidersknowledge #flashmob #lifeta
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