Mass Street Music Email HeaderJANUARY 2015 NEWS
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Our favorite gear this month!

We are loaded to the gills with a lot of killer gear (just take a look at our pedal stock right now), but these are our very top favorites, our  Staff Gear Picks for January!

Josh Baldridge - Grosh P4 Bass & Grosh J4 Bass
Both of these basses are prime examples of the meticulous approach to building that Don and his crew posses. I really feel that they build some of the finest instruments in production today.
Jim Baggett - Chuck Lee Tubaphone 12" Open Back Banjo
This is a beautifully constructed banjo with a Walnut rim and neck. Very nice.
Eric Mardis - Tom Anderson Classic S Shorty Electric 
Love this one - looks fantastic and plays effortlessly.

Lawrence ks live graphic


MSM at Folk Alliance 

We're excited to be a part of  the 2015 Folk Alliance Conference & dynamic new Music Fair Feb. 18-22 in Kansas City. This year there's an affordable public side too, with multiple music stages, a kids' camp run by our Americana Music Academy buddies, a film festival & more! We'll be in the Expo Hall & with special friends, we'll be presenting a slew of Lawrence, KS bands on Friday, Feb. 20 READ MORE ABOUT THE MUSIC FAIR 

January News!

Boss Jim Baggett has a sweet cameo in a new video from Collings' Waterloo Guitars - stunning video & Jim's in it a few times (the 'Vintage Guitar Expert"). We'll be all over this year's Folk Alliance Music Fair, so catch some Lawrence KS Live Music in KC on 2/20, or stop by our booth at the Expo Hall 2/19-2/21. Events - Several great clinics are coming up including a special Don Julin Mando clinic. Is there a clinic you'd like to see? Let us know!

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Marshall Amps at mass street music
concert ticket giveaways at Mass Street Music
Don Julin mandolin clinic
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