October 2010 Newsletter
Gothic Journal Website Redesign
The Gothic Journal website was recently redesigned to give it a more modern format and user interface. Its many new features include:
A consolidated list of Gothic Journal's 3,646 Recommended Reads from 1998-2009, many with links for additional information and purchase. This list is ordered alphabetically by author, and it is searchable using your Internet browser's Find or Search options.
An updated catalog of the 2,250 gothic romance novels available on loan by mail from the nonprofit Gothic Romance Lending Library.
A "Donate" button on the Gothic Journal website that allows tax deductible cash donations to the nonprofit Gothic Romance Lending Library (GRLL) to be made via PayPal. These donations will help pay for advertising to promote the GRLL and increase its usage.
Please visit and enjoy!
Kristi Lyn Glass Visits the GRLL
Gothic Journal publisher, Kristi Lyn Glass, visited the Gothic Romance Lending Library for first time in June 2010 and met its librarians, Rod and Pat Christian (pictured above). The Christians have graciously managed and housed the GRLL in their Spokane, WA, home since the library was founded by Kristi in August 1996. The nonprofit library is sponsored by Gothic Journal.
"It was wonderful to finally meet this delightful pair of ardent book lovers face to face," Kristi said. "They have done an outstanding job for the past 14 years caring for and managing the GRLL and its over 3,400 volumes."
Rod has built custom bookshelves to accommodate the library, and Pat enjoys the privilege of reading many of its books at her leisure.
Gothic Romance Lending Library Changes
The redesign of the Gothic Journal website includes the following changes to the GRLL's prices and policies:
Books may be ordered and paid for via PayPal on the Gothic Journal website.
Books may now be kept on loan for 3 months instead of 1 month.
Two shipping options are available:
~ Priority Mail to the customer;
Media Mail return
~ Media Mail both ways
Hardcover books may be requested at the same price as paperbacks
Every book in the GRLL contains these three ingredients: romance, life-threatening suspense, and a puzzle/mystery. Prices have increased, due to rising postal costs, but are still extremely reasonable. Consider placing a GRLL book order today!
GRLL Ads on Google Searches
Google AdWords ads for the Gothic Romance Lending Library now appear on related Google searches. This will help increase awareness of the library's offerings and use of its services.
Email Mailing List Changes
Gothic Journal recently began using MailChimp to manage its email mailing list. This service helps send graphically formatted emails along with plain-text emails in a format that helps emails avoid spam filters. It also allows mailings to be sent only to users who have opted in to receive specified types of emails from Gothic Journal. If you are not already a subscriber, you can subscribe to the Gothic Journal email list here. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any Gothic Journal MailChimp email.
Help Spread the Word!
It would be especially helpful and appreciated if you would give Gothic Journal and/or the Gothic Romance Lending Library a mention on Twitter or Facebook (or other social networking sites) via the icons at right or forward this newsletter to your friends who may be interested in gothic romance novels. If you have suggestions for Gothic Journal and/or GRLL marketing ideas, please contact Kristi Lyn Glass!
Connect with us:
Gothic Journal Website:http://GothicJournal.com
Gothic Journal Amazon Book Store:
Gothic Romance Lending Library:
Phone: (775) 738-3520