January 2015

A Message from Phyllis

Dear <<First Name>>,
I hope 2015 has started off in a positive way for you. How can this year be your best year ever?  As I was sitting at my computer thinking of what to write about this month, I got a text from my 11 year old granddaughter. It just read,  “Hi.”  Of course I was thrilled to get any message. I replied that I was looking for an idea to write about in my newsletter,  and her response was “live the life you have imagined,” and “the only limits in life are the ones you make”.

Wow!  Sounds like a life coach in training to me. So I will use her suggestions and ask you to think about what you have imagined your life to be.  Also, have you set limits that are not supporting your life plan?

I have a friend who visited yesterday and her story is an inspiration. She is in her late 60’s,  but when a charity group was having a “Dancing with the Stars” fundraiser she accepted their invitation to compete. She immediately signed up for dance lessons so she would not embarrass herself. She took lessons and won the competition at the fundraiser. She loved it! She started taking 3 lessons a week and practiced on the other days. She was retired, but still found time to work in a soup kitchen once a week and to keep her commitments. She was hooked. She started dancing and competing in several competitions.

This past October she went to Mexico to dance. She wins over and over again. She doesn’t say, “I’m too old” or “I don’t have enough time.” She is not setting limits, but instead is stretching to live the life she may have only imagined many years ago.

Is there something you want to do this year? So, as my wise granddaughter suggested, live the life you have imagined and remember, often the only limits in life are the ones you make.

Have a great month!

Regards, Phyllis



2015 coming soon!

This Month's Article

Anything is Possible

Many people become motivational speakers because they have overcome a major challenge in their lives. The stories of survival these people share are astounding. Speakers at a conference I attended several years ago had such stories.

The opening speaker was Jim Stovall whose topic was "Yes you Can, Expanding your Vision". His amazing story made us laugh and made us cry.

While he is blind, he decided several years ago that he had choices and became a very successful businessperson. At the conference, he gave us each a postcard that read, "I change my life when I change my mind." A brilliant inspirational speaker, he got us all to think about our big dream. He said if we share our dream with others and they are negative, to ignore them and to keep the dream because it would not be inside of us if we didn't have the capacity to do it.

The next night we were entertained by America's first hearing impaired comedian, Kathy Buckley. Now an extremely successful star of comedy, she inspired us with the message that we have choices and we can create a great life.

I thought about the companies I work with and the leaders I coach and how challenging life can be. There are always obstacles in life, so what is it that gives some people the strength and willingness to move beyond the struggle? What is it that you want for yourself or your business? What's your dream? If people with hearing and sight challenges can move beyond their fears and become so successful, it makes me wonder what stops those of us without physical challenges from climbing the mountain to where we want to be. Perhaps it's the way we look at life.

There's a short story in the book "Art of Possibility" by Benjamin and Rosamund Zander that reads "A shoe factory sends two marketing scouts to a region of Africa to study the prospects for expanding business. One sends back a telegram saying, "SITUATION HOPELESS STOP NO ONE WEARS SHOES." The other writes back triumphantly, "GLORIOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY STOP THEY HAVE NO SHOES".

How do two people see the same situation from two totally different perspectives? Which telegram would you have sent? Think about any situations in your business where you can create a great opportunity like the optimistic marketing scout.

Life is filled with possibilities. Take some time to make a list of every possible option you might have to grow your business. Dream. Like the speaker I heard who couldn't physically see his dream, choose to make your dream a reality.

What is it that you really want to see happen in your life? Block out an hour in the next week to spend some time on your life plan. Take the thoughts out of your head and put them on paper. If there were no stumbling blocks what would you do?

We spend more time planning a one week vacation then we do on planning our lives. In the perfect world what would you be doing? Don't wait for a tragedy or illness to give you a jolt. How can you create your ideal work environment? Do you need to look at where you're going professionally?

Take some time to create a supportive environment for yourself. What is it that you really want? Choose to make your dream a reality.

Best always, Phyllis


Published by Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach, Motivational Speaker and writer. She works with clients to earn more money, improve time management and stay focused. To schedule a powerful coaching conversation send an email. Her website is located at

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Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach



Phyllis Sisenwine

(215) 968-2424
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