Let Transformation Happen
Personal transformation begins with going within and getting to know yourself- your thoughts, beliefs, and core patterns that all dictate your reactions and emotions. Until we go within we are not able to transform or affect our internal world which guides our outer experience. With mindfulness and observation of our inner dialogue we are able to engage in a new way of being. We have the power to create an extraordinary existence by learning how to navigate ourselves and become the architects of our own minds, emotions, and bodies rather than the victims of a ceaseless pre-programmed script.
Although radical transformation takes time and practice, stepping out of suffering and pain and opening ourselves to all that is possible in this human experience does not have to be a lifetime challenge. Transformation can actually happen in the space of one moment. It can happen in the moment when we go deep within and dig out the roots of the weed to change our core beliefs and patterns. As we begin to align our minds with the high vibration of divine love and expansion, rather than fear and contracting thoughts, we can establish new patterns of thinking that will benefit us and all those around us.
I hope you enjoy this powerful eBulletin as much as I have. It is the first in a series on Transformation, which we will look at from a variety of angles. Thank you for joining us on this journey.
The Need to Transform
Fred Plumer
I find it fascinating that an institution which at its very core is about transformation, does all it can to resist change. Ironically from its earliest manifestations, the Christian path has always been about transformation. The Jesus story is first and foremost about changing our perspective, our purpose and ultimately our lives. What else but transformation could the story of a poor peasant who becomes a respected rabbi, a teacher of a new way of living, mean? How else can we interpret the intent of Jesus’ actual teachings like breaking down social barriers, forgiving our enemies and loving abundantly without qualifications than with steps to an inner and social transformation? What could being spiritually born again mean other than transformation? What does the symbol of resurrection mean other than transformation?
The Bible as Personal Transformation Guide
Don Murray
The Bible is, in my mind, the best witness the Western World had to the evolution of human consciousness. That is a story in itself – I’m working on the book. However, what is true on the grand scale of one tradition’s journey toward wholeness is also true as a map for our personal growth. We can see the ages and stages of our own lives against the background of the biblical story. I will touch on some main points.
Kurt Struckmeyer
The ‘kingdom of God’ is the term Jesus used to express his vision of a profound transformation of human beings and human institutions—social, political, economic and religious—to fully express the character and nature of God—a God of love. To accomplish this vision, Jesus worked toward the creation of a new kind of community dedicated to values of compassion, generosity, peace, and justice. He was creating a movement for change, a people engaged in a vast conspiracy of love.
Eve, Adam, and Self Transformationby
Dr. Carl Krieg
The theme for this month’s e-bulletin is transforming our lives. Probably the most famous statement of self transformation in western culture is the Yahwist narrative of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden. The story describes what we might call a negative transformation- the pair “fell” from a state of childlike innocence and were banished from paradise. Understanding that transformation, however, can help us to reverse it. Here’s the story.
Transformation by Touch – Reiki Healing Touch as a Spiritual Practice
Rev. Bruce Epperly Ph. D.
The body is inspired, and the spirit is embodied. That affirmation describes the heart of today’s holistic spirituality. Long before dualism infected Christianity, the Christian movement believed in the healing energy of touch. Jesus touched people and transformed cells as well as souls and social position. A woman with a flow of blood touched Jesus, and energy flowed from Jesus to her that transformed her physical and spiritual health, and liberated her from social stigma. (Mark 5:24-34) A few decades later, the apostle Paul described the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, alive, holy, and transparent to divine inspiration. (1 Corinthians 6:12-20) The Christian movement saw the flow of divine energy from God to us and from one person to another as inherent in the natural processes of cause and effect, and not an external supernatural violation of the laws of nature. The early Christians believed that we lived in wonderful world and that the body was spirit-filled and reflective of divine wisdom.
Transforming our Lives
Jim High
The New Year is as good a time as any to work on the transformation of our lives. And isn’t that what life is really all about – transformation. We all go through the usual transformations from being a child, to a teenager, a young adult, a mature middle aged person, and then to become life’s senior citizens.
Deva Premal – Gayatri Mantra
Music Video
Meditative spiritual music, which puts ancient Sanskrit mantras into atmospheric, contemporary settings
Praise to the source of all things. It is due to you that we attain true happiness on the planes of earth, astral, causal. It is due to your transcendent nature that you are worthy of being worshipped and adored. Ignite us with your all pervading light.
Brick Walls - Sermon Video
Samuel Alexander
Does the church have anything left to offer? Not if we insist on staying in the 16th century, (or even the 19th century), we don’t. So what? Why should that matter? It matters because it leaves many of us without the spiritual resources we need to live and to grow into our full purpose and potential. Over these last decades, many have come to recognize this and so embarked on a self-guided spiritual journey. Don’t think I’m knocking that here; what else are people to do? My concern is that life’s journey is difficult and confusing. Going it alone is fine as far as it goes, but too often it leaves us isolated and stagnant. We do better when we have the support and encouragement of community seeking to live into their own purpose and potential.
Does the church have anything to offer? The church can offer such a community, but we’ll have to understand our traditions and images in radically new ways, and refocus our work to meet the interests of today’s spiritual but not religious believers.