February 2015 Newsletter
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 Happy Hour - BrewFlood @ SF (326 First St, SF) Wednesday, 2/11/2015

Oakland's Bike To Work Day Celebrations (Frank Ogawa Plaza), 5/14/2015

 Oaklavia: May 30, Sept 20

Take Our Survey - Help Us Prioritize WOBO's Work in 2015

Did you ever think to yourself, "I wish WOBO could..."

Well now's the perfect time to let us know your thoughts so that we can keep our momentum going strong, grow our movement, and bring effective programming and advocacy to the forefront for the remainder of 2015.

Complete this survey (11-questions) by February 21 [note that we're extending the deadline another week], and you could win a special gift from WOBO.
Jump to Survey Now

BrewFlood - Happy Hour Wednesday, 2/11 in SF

It warms our heart that the fellas at Method Brewing are dedicating one night of SF Beer Week to support WOBO.  Please join us. 4:00 - 11:30pm, 326 First Street, for our first ever Happy Hour across the bay.

Preregister at Eventbrite (here) to purchase a wristband allowing you unlimited tastings and to skip the line Or, buy tokens at the door! 2 tasters/$5 or 6 for $12.

Oakland's Parklets Program is Alive

When the City of Oakland re-opened the application process to accept new Parklets (mini-parks that take the place of on-street car parking), Oakland neighbors and businesses jumped at the opportunity. 16 parklets applications were accepted. 

9 Parklets hosts attended a TA session to learn a few tricks of the trade, lessons learned and success stories from designers and current owners of Farley's East and Manifesto/Subrosa.  

You can help too.  
Sign up to receive updates about the pilot and we will alert you of updates about the program and info about how you can help create new mini-parks in Oakland. 

Oaklavia & Sunday Streets Berkeley is hiring

WOBO is accepting applications from qualified individuals / team to run three Open Streets events in the East Bay:
  • Saturday, May 30 - Oaklavia: Love Our Neighborhood Day (San Pablo Avenue, Golden Gate)
  • Sunday, September 20 - Oaklavia: Love Our Lake Day (Lake Merritt), and
  • Sunday, October 18 - Sunday Streets Berkeley (North Shattuck) 

Applications are due Friday, February 20.  Information about the scope of work and application form are here:
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