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Strata Information

Hello! Welcome to our latest strata newsletter.

If you are located in NSW, please do not forget about the upcoming deadline for pool registrations (29 April). Read Georgia-Kate's article below for all the latest here. We also have a few great articles about sinking funds and, as always, plenty of other articles and links.

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NSW Pool Registrations: Everything you need to know

Georgia-Kate Morgan, Aitken Lawyers
After 29 April 2015, properties with pools and/or spas that are not registered and compliant cannot be sold or leased.
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NSW: Keeping the Levies Down Through Fines

Bailey Compton, Leverage Group – Solicitors & Academy
Will amendments to SSMA result in executive police of the strata looking for any breach of strata by laws & serving notices prodigiously upon unlawful lot owners.
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NSW: The Home Building Act and Changes to Home Building Laws

Pierrette Khoury, Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
The Home Building Act has recently been amended. Changes to home building laws commenced on 15 Jan 2015, with more changes to follow in March.
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Case Study: Insufficient Sinking Funds, Why It Happens And What It Means

Lisa Rutland,
When it comes to insufficient sinking funds there is no option but to build these funds up again, which usually means higher sinking fund levies.
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NSW: Sinking Funds – The Superannuation of Strata

Bailey Compton, Leverage Group – Solicitors & Academy
A simplistic way of looking at sinking funds. At your next AGM, you may want to try presenting your Owners Corporation with this explanation of a sinking fund.
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QLD: What does the future hold for by-law enforcement?

Jason Carlson, Thynne + Macartney
By-Law enforcement: Bodies corporate in Queensland may soon be given the power to tow vehicles, issue on-the-spot fines for by-law breaches and ban pets and smoking from their scheme. Will that be good for community living?
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NSW: Avoid the Hassle when Buying into New Developments…

Edwin Almeida, Just Think Real Estate
When buying into a new development, a building inspection report could save you tens of thousands of dollars.
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Most read article from our last newsletter!

NSW: Executive Committee Members – How Broad is their Personal Liability?

David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger, Bannermans Lawyers
Executive committee members are responsible, under the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (SSMA), for assisting its owners corporation with the management of its functions.
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Breaking News

Our latest popular Tweets & Facebook posts:

How to green your strata building
As more Australians start to live in strata buildings, and power bills rise, the business case for improving the energy efficiency and overall sustainability of these properties is becoming more compelling.

NSW: Demand for pet-friendly apartments on the increase as Sydneysiders move to high density living
FORGET big yards and kennels — a growing portion of Sydney pet owners are apartment dwellers and they’re prepared to pay for the privilege of keeping a furry friend.

QLD: Body corporate bans family from local pool because of baby in pram
A FAMILY has been banned from their estate’s pool after the mother was accused of breaking the rules by keeping her baby next to her in a pram.

VIC: Melbourne's "hyper-dense" skyscrapers would never be allowed in other global centres, a new report finds
A new study comparing skyscraper density in six international cities finds Melbourne's high-rise towers far more densely populated.

Record solar system retrofitted on Melbourne highrise
A new record has been set for a Melbourne apartment block solar retrofit, with a Docklands highrise tapping a city council rebate for its 190-panel, 47kW system – set to cost its 290 owners $230 each.
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Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:

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Strata Events Calendar

FEB 13
SCA (VIC): Ballots

FEB 19
SCA (QLD): Brookfield Decision: Builders 1 - Body Corporate Nil

SCA (QLD): Masterclass: Caretaker Agreements - Brisbane

FEB 21
NSW: Owners Corporation Network General Meeting

FEB 25
REIWA: Selling Strata Titled Properties

FEB 27
NSW: Downsizing 101 - New Workshop for Empty Nesters

MAR 19
(NSW) LEGAL UPDATE – Drafting Strata By-Laws

MAR 24
WA: Green Gurus - Sustainable Buildings in the City of Vincent

Sustainable Residential Tower set to Commence after Two Week Sell-Out - See more at:
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