WAZA FLASH 84- Week 6- 2015
News from WAZA - the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
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WAZA's weekly e-newsletter for our members. Here you'll find specific information about WAZA such as upcoming events and news. We'll also provide you with links to interesting or controversial articles. Share this week's WAZA FLASH with your team today!
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Breaking The Brand to Stop The Demand
Since 2008, poaching levels have continued to increase and the demand for rhino horns have shown no signs of abating. In response to these grave statistics, a project titled "Breaking the Brand" was founded by Dr. Lynn Johnson, a behavioral change expert. The objective of Breaking the Brand is to use behavioral economics to influence the consumption of illegal/endangered wildlife products. View Dr. Lynn Johnson's fascinating presentation given at the UN Workshop on Drugs & Crime in Bangkok last week HERE.
In the papers and on the web
Pittsburgh zoo defends use of dogs to control elephants
Feb 2nd, 2015

Read the article HERE

AFP: 'Tiger heavyweight' Nepal hosts anti-poaching summit
Feb 1st, 2015

Read the article HERE

Extremely rare Sierra Nevada red fox spotted in Yosemite Jan 29th, 2015

Read the article HERE

Watch: Bird mimics caterpillar (and other animal imposters) Jan 22nd, 2015
Read the article HERE

India's tigers may be rebounding, in rare success for endangered species Jan 20th, 2015
Read the article HERE
What's going on @ WAZA?
WAZA Conservation Project of the Month- February
This month's feature conservation project was implemented by the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International. The project took place at the Karisoke Research Centre in Rwanda. Since 1967, the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International's Karisoke Research Center has supported the national parks service of Rwanda by providing daily protection for a significant portion of Rwanda's mountain gorilla population. Read more about this month's project: HERE.

The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of WAZA.

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