Secular Policy Institute SPI Newsletter
February 5, 2015
Hello <<Name>>,

Have you been avoiding Africa and the Middle East? This week we present a Pew Study that shows where blasphemy laws are in full force.

We analyze religion's role in the US Congress and upcoming presidential election. And I'm visiting the Chinese embassy and discussing press freedom.

Best of all, we announce our newest SPI Fellow, the president of one of the world's most prominent secular groups!

Edwina Rogers
Edwina Rogers
(202) 674-7800
Edwina Signature

Edwina Rogers, CEO
Secular Policy Institute

New Year at the Chinese Embassy

Secular Public Policy: US & China

by Edwina Rogers
Edwina visits the Chinese embassy, promotes a press freedom bill, and meets Congress in this week's policy report.
Pew Study of Religion in Congress

Study: Religions of the US Congress

by Greg Paul
A Pew study shows Christians dominate the US Congress. But what if you read between the lines? Greg Paul has the analysis.
Ron Lindsay of the Center for Inquiry

SPI Fellows: CFI President Joins SPI

by Madeline Schussel
Center for Inquiry President Ron Lindsay is our newest SPI fellow, and get the verdict on an SPI fellow charged with blasphemy!
Secular Policy Institute Coalition

VIP Groups Join SPI Coalition

by Johnny Monsarrat
Less than three weeks into building the SPI coalition, look at some of the big national and international groups that have joined!
Prayer in 2016 Presidential Elections

US Presidential Hopefuls & Religion

The 2016 US Presidential candidates don't just talk religion. These shocking quotes make atheist bashing part of the game.
Blasphemy laws around the world

Global Study: Blasphemy Countries

A Pew Center study lists the countries to avoid on your atheist vacation, with a giant map and all the details.

World Secular Calendar

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