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February 6, 2015
   This week Fr. Todd talked to us about St. Blaise and blessed our throats.  Two candles are blessed, held slightly open, and pressed against the throat as the blessing is said. Saint Blaise's protection of those with throat troubles apparently comes from a legend that a boy was brought to him who had a fishbone stuck in his throat. The boy was about to die when Saint Blaise healed him.
   It is a great time to think about one of the most important things we do with our throats - talk.  We should be sure to only say what we mean and make sure to use our voice for good.
   Saint Blaise, pray for us that we may not suffer from illnesses of the throat and pray that all who are suffering be healed by God's love. Amen
My Best,
Mr. F.
The effect of Relativity made Astronaut Sergei Avdeyev a fraction of a second younger upon his return to Earth after 747 days in space.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
A group of children shared 60 ice creams equally. If each child got one and a half ice creams, how many children were there in the group?
Photo of The Week
Remember to purchase your tickets to our auction!  Also, get those donations in!
Kindergarten: It was hard to get back into the routine after such a great Catholic Schools Week!  We celebrated Braelyn Hamlings Wonderful Week and toured both her dad and mom's place of employment!  Her dad owns Accelerated Chiropractic and her is at WCEC--we enjoyed both.  We celebrated Braelyn and Ben's birthdays----it was a good week!

Grade 1: This week we worked with words that have 3-letter consonant blends at the beginning (ex: string, scrap, splash).  We worked on comparing and contrasting in reading.  In math we are working on partners of 100 and coin combinations.  In social studies we continue to learn about how our country began.

Grade 2: In Science class, the second graders are Studying Earth Science. We learned that the earth is made up of three layers called the crust, the mantle, and the core. We also learned about some characteristics of each of those layers. In Math class we learned to convert information on a bar graph to a circle graph. We also created our own circle graph with information we surveyed in class.

Grade 3: It has been a busy week for third graders and we were happy to have a full week of school.  We practiced our skills with area and perimeter in math and also continued our multiplication and division work with the 6, 7, and 8’s.  Our Geography lesson concentrated on the southwest region states.  Our Scholastic News told us about Ruby Bridges. We could only imagine how scared she must have been in 1960 when she entered William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans.  Miles would like to visit the school to see the statue they put up in her honor when he is there for Mardi Gras.

Grade 4: This week in math class we learned about transformations. We learned about translations, reflections, and rotations. In reading class we read a tall tale called "Pecos Bill" and learned about hyperbole and metaphors. In social studies we are learning about the American Revolution.

Grade 5: This week in fifth grade we worked on our Dare essays using Google Docs. We are very excited that our school will be going Google, and for all of the great technology we will be able to use. In reading we reviewed signal words and learned about the themes of a story. We started subtracting fractions as well as working with improper fractions and mixed numbers. 

Grade 6: The 6th graders had a busy week. In math we learned about misleading graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, choosing an appropriate display, and even took a test on Friday. In reading we started to work on our Treasure Books which the sixth graders get to write about their ELC experience. We also worked hard on our class auction item. We hope you are able to attend the auction on February 14th to see the class projects and to have a wonderful time with friends and family.
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