The Step Sisters' mission is to improve the quality of life for those impacted by breast cancer by funding needed support services in Loudoun County and the surrounding community.
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State of the Step Sisters - March 2015

President's Message

What a busy and exciting time of year for the Step Sisters!  With a successful first year behind us of helping Inova Loudoun Hospital breast cancer patients, the Step Sisters are working on expanding not only our preferred vendors, but also the number of breast cancer patients we are supporting.  We will be expanding our funded services to other area hospitals and have added lawn care/snow removal services and child care services to our list of vendors. We have also added a donation page to our website so donors can see just what their donated dollars could fund.  Check it out!
It's also time to think Spring!  The Step Sisters’ largest event, the Brambleton Ribbon Run 5K/10K is coming up on April 18th.  We hope you will join us as a participant, volunteer, attendee or help promote our event via social media.  See below for details on all the ways you can help!
Shortly following the Ribbon Run, we will be holding a new and improved Step Sisters’ Think Pink Auction. Planning is underway and it is another way to get involved in helping us carry out our mission of funding quality-of-life services for local breast cancer patients.
As always, thank you for your continued support, think warm thoughts, and see you this spring!

Angela Fuentes, President

Needed: Volunteers, Sponsors and Participants!

Our biggest fundraiser is around the corner on April 18th!... the 8th Annual Brambleton Ribbon Run 5k-10k Run/Walk & Kids' Fun Run! 

Event registration includes: a USATF certified 5k/10k race, a performance t-shirt (if you're registered by March 18th), and a hot post-race "Grab-n-Go" breakfast, catered by Blue Ridge Grill. Not to mention, our sponsor expo area, "Sharon's Showcase," which is named in honor of Sharon Iglesias. Sharon bravely faced this disease three times before losing her battle. Sharon's Showcase is designed to connect the breast cancer community and educate attendees on the resources in our area. Thanks to the generosity of donors, all Loudoun County breast cancer-related non-profits were invited to participate in the showcase at no charge. We hope to make Sharon proud as we carry on her efforts to educate others.

This event cannot succeed without volunteers. This year's race will require more than 200 volunteers to ensure a smooth and safe event. To check out the opportunities, go to our online volunteer sign-up.

For more event details, or to register, please visit:



We want to see your Selfless Selfies. What is a selfless selfie? Imagine your race gear (pants, tutu, sneakers, etc.) all laid out on the floor without you in it. Now add a sign that indicates who you are walking or running for. Take a picture and post it to our Facebook page ( The first 15 Selfless Selfies posted will be entered to win a $50 Blue Ridge Grill gift card!

Why Selfless Selfies? Because itÂ’'s not about us. ItÂ’'s about the women and men battling breast cancer that need our support. And itÂ’s our little way of recognizing you and your selfless act of participation. Thank you for your support.




This year we are changing things up! In lieu of an online auction, we will be having a Sip & Shop silent auction. We are really looking forward to having an event where Step Sister team members and supporters can come together for a night of fun while also supporting our organization and mission. Mark your calendars - The Step Sisters' Think Pink Auction will be held Friday, May 8, 2015, 6:30 - 10 p.m. at Brambleton Corner Clubhouse (42255 Palladian Blue Terrace).

Come out for an evening of food and fun and bid on an item or two. There will be lots of auction items perfect for Mother's and Father's Days, graduations, summer fun and more!

Looking for a fun and creative way to support our cause?
Please view our sign-up site  with opportunities to donate themed baskets for the auction as well as volunteer opportunities. Have fun with it!

Our events are our main source of fundraising and we appreciate your consideration in supporting us. Net proceeds from the Think Pink Auction will go towards helping us continue our mission! We hope to see you at the Think Pink Auction on May 8th. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact Sarah Strohecker,




Exciting news coming soon regarding our 4th annual golf tournament...We've listened to your feedback and are looking forward to implementing several improvements as we grow our event. We can't tell you too much now, but it'll be in October and better than ever! Watch our website, for details...stay tuned!



Watch for this logo!

As a thank you for  generous donations and contributions to our mission, we have created this logo for Step Sisters, our vendors, and sponsors to use online. Feel free to display this logo to show your part in helping local women as they battle breast cancer. Also, keep your eyes open for car magnets with the same logo, coming soon!

As always, we thank you for your support of The Step Sisters.


Organizational Announcement

As the Step Sisters continue to grow, so does our Board of Directors! The Step Sisters would like to welcome Kate Eager to the board as a Committee Chair! Kate has been a member of the Step Sister organization for several years and has been an integral part of the annual golf tournament. We look forward to having her on board this year as she leads up the annual Step Sisters' Scramble!


Thank you to our current preferred vendors for helping us carry out our mission!

Cedar Run Landscaping Company
Regal Maid
Reston Limousine
Washington’s Green Grocer
Metropolitan Nannies
Stay tuned for new additions to this list soon!

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