Do You Have What It Takes To Be President
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February 23, 2015  |  Vol. 27  |  Issue 08

Do You Have What It Takes To Be President?

How would you like to be the president of your company/organization? It is easier than you think!

Most of us in business desire success, almost as much as we need air.

From the moment we are born, we are looking to Do More, Get More and Be More.

The good news is that you are already president of YOU INCORPORATED - which means you are totally responsible for YOU and your SUCCESS.

You are in charge of and master of virtually all you do. In short, you are a lot more than meets the eye.

So, what are you already in charge of, Mr./Madam President?

You are responsible for sales - your income.

You are responsible for the books you read.

You are responsible for your moods and attitudes.

You are responsible for the time you get up.

You are responsible for your willingness to work hard.

You are responsible for your discipline.

You are responsible for who you hang around with.

You are responsible for your enthusiasm.

You are responsible for product knowledge.

You are responsible for your fitness.

You are responsible for your ethics. (Never lie, cheat or steal - ever!)

You are responsible for how you dress.

You are responsible for your language.

You are responsible for the questions you ask.

I'm sure you get the picture...

As president of You Incorporated, you are fully responsible for all you do - EVERYTHING! PERIOD!

The motto of "Work hard, play hard, change the world."

Woody Allen once said, "Ninety percent of success is showing up."

So, for tomorrow, show up as president of you and conduct yourself that way. It won't be easy.

Try it for 120 days. Smile a lot, transform your life, be positive, be interesting, return phone calls, set big goals, dream big dreams, hang with other presidents and learn.

Philosopher William James once said, "Belief creates verification in fact."

"Your belief in yourself and your company and your place in the world may be the main determination of your success." – Tom Butler-Bowdon

So, go get 'em, Mr./Madam President.

Your future awaits.

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Peter Legge O.B.C. is Chairman / CEO of Canada Wide Media Limited, a $30-million publishing company based in Vancouver with a staff of 140. Peter learned from his father that the best reward is service to the community. Peter has received two honorary doctorate degrees from Simon Fraser University and Royal Roads University, an honorary doctorate of technology from BCIT and just this past June an honorary fellow from Douglas College. In June of 2008, Peter was presented with the highest honour in his province, The Order of British Columbia, for his lifelong commitment to the community. He is the author of 18 books and considered one of North America's top 20 speakers.

"Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes but by the opposition he has encountered and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." 

~ Charles Lindbergh, Aviator
MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
CD $21.32 Hardcover

By: Tony Robbins
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Heidi Christie  |  P:  604-473-0332  E:
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