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Facilitation, research, co-creation - what's the difference?

When you are embarking on an innovation project, you want to be crystal clear in communications with any external provider. Having a shared understanding of buzzy terms like co-creation is a good foundation for success. I get this question a lot, I wrote up my thoughts. I've had a lot of positive feedback, so thought you'd also like to see it. Here's the link.

Cost per interview: the wrong measure for Qual?

When you are looking for lots of rich data, you are looking for qualitative. But there are now tons of ways of gathering that rich data. Focus groups, interviews, video self-ethnography, online communities. People often ask me "what's cheaper." There is no simple answer to that question, because the data for dollars equation is different for different methods. Read the article I wrote for Alert Magazine to see why, and what to consider instead. Here's the link.

Reconfirm to stay with us

I've been putting this off for months. When the latest spam rules came in, getting all those reconfirms was annoying. (It didn't really slow down the spam, unfortunately! But I'm guessing you've noticed that too.) Now that the dust has settled, I'm asking you to reconfirm that you do in fact want to stay on this list. Just click the brain button, or this link.
If you would like to keep getting periodic updates from us, please click to confirm. We'll send you 12 Tips for Better Brainstorming to say thank you.
I'm delighted to be speaking about Co-Creation at the Quirk's Event, representing QRCA. This is an intense methodology that gets amazing results. I hope to learn lots of cool stuff, and will write it up on my return.
It's always exciting to go to a new city, and Brooklyn is entirely new for me. I'm looking to get immersed in the culture, despite the cold, and will report back on what I learn.
Meanwhile, thanks for letting me into your inbox.

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