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GWP campaign for water goal kicks off

Global Water Partnership (GWP) has launched a campaign to maintain a dedicated water goal on the post-2015 development agenda. Read more >>

Go directly to the campaign website:
Planning for the post-2015 agenda: GWP at the UN-Water Zaragoza Conference
UN-Water website on World Water Day 2015

February 2015

Capacity building and media training in Tunisia

The third workshop of the capacity building programme "The Economics of Adaptation, Water Security and Climate Resilient Development" took place in Hammamet, Tunisia at the end of December 2014. Read more >>


Climate proofing in the Caribbean

GWP Caribbean has embarked on a new initiative called "Climate-Proofing Water Investment in the Caribbean". The aim is to provide a coordinated approach to source financing for climate resilience. Read more >>

GWP in the news
Starved for energy, Pakistan braces for a water crisis (New York Times)

Caribbean youth ready to lead on climate issues (IPS News)

Kazakhstan's Majilis ratifies amendments to Water Convention (Tengri News) 

Water left out of Lima climate negotiations (Circle of Blue)

More news >>

Upcoming events
March 2015, UNU-FLORES online courses

14-18 March 2015, UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai, Japan

25-27 March 2015, Dresden Nexus Conference, Dresden, Germany 

More events >>

New people
SITWA new project manager: Henriette Ndombe

New resources
Wastewater Management - A UN-Water Analytical Brief

Water and Sanitation Assessment Paper (World Bank)

The Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in Courts Worldwide (WASH United & WaterLex)

More resources >>

Apply for the 2015 Riverprize Awards (International RiverFoundation). Deadline in March 2015.

Water Leadership Training Programme (UENR). Starts 1 March 2015

More calls >>

Drought programme launched in West Africa

The Integrated Drought Management Programme in West Africa (IDMP-WAF) was officially launched at a workshop held on 28 and 29 January 2015 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. GWP West Africa Chair Abel Afouda urged immediate action to combat the effects of climate change. Read more >>

New land and water governance paper

A new GWP Perspectives Paper outlines that the governance of land and water needs to be coordinated in order to feed the world’s growing population. The paper aims to galvanise a discussion within the GWP network and the larger development community. Read more >>


GWP Philippines calls for integrated approach

In 2014 GWP Philippines carried out advocacy work in different ways to promote Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). They especially targeted youth and local government officials and other stakeholders. Read more >>

India Water Week 2015

In January GWP South Asia held a side event during India Water Week 2015 under the theme "From Risk to Resilience: South Asia Regional Framework for Sustainable Water Management". Read more >>
More on this topic: GWP addresses urban water issues at India Water Week

SADC countries plan for World Water Forum 7

GWP Southern Africa, through the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), organised a validation workshop of the sub-regional report of the Africa Ministerial Council on Water (AMCOW) in preparation of the upcoming World Water Forum 7 in South Korea in April 2015. Read more >>
More preparations:
Mediterranean contribution to the 7th World Water Forum
Central Africa regional consultation for the 7th World Water Forum (pdf)

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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