Raging Dragons Dragon Boat Club
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Raging Dragons

Gearing up for 2015

Gearing up fors 2015

Raging Dragons: This is how we roll

2014 was a season of many highs and lows. From disco warm ups to baby rescues, there was never a dull moment with Rage.

We are a team that turns heads for many reasons: our reputable race starts, Redmunds' helming incident (Titanic II), mid-race bush crashes, awesome human pyramids, our pizza-making (aka flour fighting) skills, kick-ass pregnant paddlers and signature mass team dunkings.

Despite being known as a fun-loving friendly bunch, we worked really hard last season and beat some strong competition to reign victorious as champions of the National Standard League.

New year, new regime

Apart from the usual suspects returning to training at the beginning of the year, we've had an exciting fresh influx of rookie and veteran paddlers at the club. Over the last few weeks we've had the pleasure of Jo Tang, JoJo, Jess, Huz, Katha, Marco and Taiwo's company.

Katha and Marco are seasoned paddlers with international paddling experience, while the other guys are awesome newbies already sporting the spirit of champions :)

We're kicking off 2015 with a 10-week tailored fitness program, run by Jenny Nim (aka Nimbo) – a personal trainer (and ex-Rager) who knows all about the biomechanics of our sport, our nutritional needs and apparently holds multiple degrees in Serious Ass-Whooping.

For those of you who are missing out on the fun, it's worth coming just to watch Fernando in action. Whilst pushing Vic on a weighted sledge across the room, he suddenly gasped: "when do I breathe?!!" :D

And after joining us for just one water training, Taiwo was brave enough to sign up for the 10-week circuits challenge as well. After her first session we asked her how she went. She replied: "I survived it...but I'm walking a bit like John Wayne at the moment..." :D

By the end of these 10 weeks, those who have been in regular attendance should feel a real difference in their strength and fitness levels.

Nimbo circuits, awesome newbies and two boats out for Sunday morning training – looks like we're off to a good start!
Nimbo circuits
Preparing the Red Lotus
Experienced Ragers going all out
Preparing the Red Lotus

Coaches' corner

Watch someone with good technique and visualise your body emulating the same mechanics.

When we learn a new skill, we undergo four key phases of learning/development:

  1. Unconscious incompetence
    You may not yet be aware of your level of incompetence at a new skill – e.g. when you first learn to drive, you're unaware of just how much you need to master in order to become a competent driver.
  2. Conscious incompetence
    As a conscious incompetent learner, you gain awareness about your current lack of ability and develop an understanding for what's required to reach the next level of development.
  3. Conscious competence
    You're now becoming competent. However, performing the task requires concentration. There is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill.
  4. Unconscious competence
    With practise, you eventually reach a point where you no longer have to think about what you're doing. You can perform the new skill easily – it becomes second nature.
Pay attention to what your body is doing as you're paddling. Work hard to develop good form. There will come a point when you will no longer have to think about it and you will naturally paddle with good habits if you work hard at mastering them and set yourself a solid foundation.

The coaches are here if you want to ask us for further clarification on any aspects of technique. Let us know after a session if you don't understand something or have any further questions, ideas or comments :)

Congratulations to our paddlers of the month

Paddler of the month: Jam

January: Jamues Ng

Sporting his casual cap and signature smile, Jam's technique and form have consistently improved, making him a solid, dependable paddler. Famous for counting "fiiiiive....", he's focused, encouraging and always knows where we're at in a race plan. He sets himself high standards, and rises to the challenge. Our resident happy chappy is a pleasure to have on board. 
Paddler of the month: Jo

February: Jo Tang

Fun, friendly and persistent, Jo has been a great new recruit. Picking up paddling technique very quickly, her form is looking good both on and off the water (at circuits). No complaints, no matter what challenge is hurled her way – she just gets on with it. A nice girl with a great attitude, Jo is proving herself to be quite a pocket rocket :)

Raging by correspondence

Our beloved Regina is currently doing us proud in Australia, paddling with a team called the Brisbane River Dragons. Each session involves a minimum 12km+ outing...and the things to look out for whilst training at their location are apparently sand flies and tiger sharks! One of their club's boats recently capsized and their paddlers panicked. A larger lady told Regina she was worried a shark would see her as a buffet and 'skip all the skinny people....' :D

Regina misses paddling with Rage and says hello to everyone. We look forward to having her back with us soon!
Dragon cake

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to our January and February babies Aaron, Row, Redmunds, Aimee, Katha, Buzz and Pete Dodimead!

Dragon cake

Baby Rager on the way!

Congratulations to Kitty and Ken on their wonderful news...we look forward to meeting KenKat Junior soon! Little bubba will have Mummy's technique, always give 100% like Daddy, and run around asking for chilli flavoured milkshakes ;)

Happy Chinese New Year!

Kung Hei Fat Choy! Wishing all Ragers and their families near and far health, happiness and fortune.

May 2015 be a prosperous one for you all – filled with love, laughter, success in all you do...and lots of yummy food! :D 
Editor: Jen Szeto