We've got the Victory!

Project Yesu and The Pillow Case Dress Project

The girl in the picture to the left is named Mallory. Mallory will turn 15 any day now and I learned about her story while i was in California.

Early in middle school,  Mallory's heart was turned to the children of Africa. She did more than care, she exhibited compassion. On the Project Yesu website, Mallory says, 


In October 2011 I sat down to write my Christmas list for my parents, I looked around my room and I realized there was nothing I needed, nothing I wanted. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought about the children in Africa, and how they weren’t going to get Christmas presents, and there was a lot of things that they needed.

So, I sent my parents an email with my Christmas list, one thing on it, to help Africa.See, in August of 2010 the Ugandan Orphan Children’s Choir came to my church to perform, and I got to meet the children, and they were amazing. They were so loving, and just wanted to hug me and hold my hand.

The day after I sent the email my parents and I sat down and talked about what I wanted to do, and how I wanted to help. I contacted Amazima Ministries and Project Have Hope and I told them what I wanted to do, and I asked them how I could best help them. That is how Project Yesu was born.

I learned of Mallory's story at the California conference I attended where God used 700 children's pastors to raise $12,200 to fund a playground project for the children of Uganda.

This month, HiSKidZ on Sunday mornings will support Project Yesu through our Bible Challenge. For every child who brings their Bible to church, $1 will be donated to Project Yesu.

But there's more.

Currently Project Yesu is working towards their Pillowcase Dress Project. where people make dresses (and shorts for boys)
out of pillowcases.

So we need 2 things:
1) We are asking HiSKidZ to each bring one pillowcase to church in the month of March. 
2) We are asking for those who can sew to sew the pillowcases into dresses.

Here some guidelines for the pillowcases and links to how to make the dresses.
  • Make sure the fabric is not too sheer, Ugandans are very modest people and we don’t want them to be uncomfortable if the dress is see through
  • Depending on the pattern you use…please make sure the ribbon is stitched so it can’t pull through
  • Any fabric works…they love the bright patterns
  • Don’t forget the older girls…of course the little baby dresses are ADORABLE but the older girls would like a dress too. If you make size 12 or over please make sure you put a slit in the side
  • Our boys need love too, if you can sew shorts, or can pick some up at the thrift store they would happily take them also.
The Links:
Dress a Girl Around the World
Sew Like My Mom

HiSKidZ will be challenged at both KidZChurch and KidZRocK to bring a pillowcase. If you can help us out by sewing dresses and shorts, please let me know!

God's Love is BIG!
Upcoming Events
Fri.-Sat., March 13-14 Superstart for 5th-6th grade in Bloomington,IL
  Sun., March 29 Palm Sunday Family Experience at S.A.C.K. lunch after church

HiSKidZ discover, grow, serve, share and care

as they find and follow Jesus

Baptism Class

SAVE THE DATE! Our next baptism class for kids will be held April 19 at 9am.

If your child has been expressing interest in giving their lives over to Jesus as Lord, we would love to have you attend this class.

We will learn why we are baptized, what it means and when is the right time for your child. For more info, see Ms Dawn.


Palm Sunday Family Experience

Palm Sunday is the day we celebrate Jesus coming into Jerusalem to prepare to take our place on the cross and save us from our sins.

This year Palm Sunday and Family Sunday AND S.A.C.K. lunch are all on the same day.

Making the most of every opportunity, HiSKidZ ministry is creating a free family experience to go along with your free S.A.C.K. lunch immediately after second service. 

Staggered around the gym will be 4-5 stations where you can participate in a craft or activity with your children to help them better understand what Easter is all about.

There will also be take-home devotional pages that you can do during the week as you focus on the death, burial, resurrection and VICTORY that Jesus gave us when He rose from the dead.

There's no pressure. You don't have to answer any questions or play any games. Simply come and enjoy a great lunch and  a short amount of quality time celebrating Easter with your family!! 

For more information or if you have any questions, you can contact Ms Dawn at the church 524-8727.


This coming Sunday, HiSKidZ will be learning that you can ruin your life by comparing yourself to others.

God's people decided they wanted to be like everyone else, even though God tried to tell them that was a bad idea. HiSKidZ will learn that God made us a certain way for a reason and He has given us all we need to do whatever He wants us to do.

When we compare, it gets us nowhere.

When we look to God, good things happen. Even when things are hard or we don't get what we want, when we look to God He shows us what we really need.


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