Reaching the Rez
Turning hopelessness to Hope
Your partnership in prayer is urgently needed as Chresten is now en route to Pine Ridge, South Dakota, home of the Lakota-Sioux Nation. After nine years of evangelistic efforts in this desperately dark region of our nation, we are embarking on the next phase of ministry there. It has been our long held vision and desire to purchase property on "The Rez", as they commonly refer to it, to house evangelistic teams, as well as ultimately establish a more permanent discipleship center for the converts in the various communities.
Wednesday, March 4th, at 10am MST (11am CST), Chresten will be meeting with the tribe's president to discuss the possibility of acquiring currently existing facilities in two of the main communities in which we minister. This is a critical step in moving forward with the Gospel in what has been deemed Satan's territory. Any time you seek to bring Light to dark-dominated territory, there is opposition.
Join us in prayer as these are exciting doors that God is opening. Be specific as you pray (prayer targets below)! Nothing is impossible to those who believe! Be looking for updates in the days and weeks to come. To learn more about what God is doing on the The Rez, click here. Thank you for your partnership!
Be blessed,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin