Serving Health Workers, Saving Lives
Placing health workers at the center of every effort, CapacityPlus helps partner countries achieve significant progress in addressing the health worker crisis.
Strengthening Christian Health Associations in Africa
The Africa Christian Health Associations Platform Workshop brought together 40 participants from 16 Christian Health Associations, the ACHAP Secretariat, and three development agencies—ICCO, Cordaid, and CapacityPlus partner IMA World Health. Read more »
At Open Source Unconference—Systems Now Interoperable and Regional Networks Built
CapacityPlus staff Carl Leitner and Dykki Settle traveled to Ghana to provide training and leadership for the Health Information System (HIS) Unconference, hosted by the Kofi Annan Centre for Excellence with support from the West African Health Organization and the Health Metrics Network. Read more »
Health Worker Retention Survey Tested in Uganda
CapacityPlus staff Laura Wurts, associate partner African Population & Health Research Center staff George Mgomella, and consultant Peter Rockers initiated field testing of an innovative, user-friendly assessment tool to address the attraction and retention of priority human resources for health cadres in rural and remote areas in Uganda. Read more »
Helping Health Workers Respond to Relief Efforts in Haiti
In Haiti, health workers have been doing all they can since January’s earthquake to help communities in need. The HRH Global Resource Center, CapacityPlus’s digital library of human resources for health information, recently contributed to the Haiti Relief Toolkit produced by Knowledge for Health. Read more »
Open Source and Global Health UnConference Focuses on Health Information Systems in West Africa: September 20-24, Accra, Ghana
The West African Health Organization, WHO, the University of Oslo, Health Metrics Network, and CapacityPlus have joined forces to organize an “unconference” in Accra, Ghana, to strengthen health information systems capacity throughout West Africa. Read more »
Featured Interview
Three Questions for Doris Mwarey
Regional HR Specialist, Africa Christian Health Assocations Platform
One of the key roles I'm playing is to create linkages between the different Christian Health Associations. I help them to learn from each other, and I support them through various collaborations, especially the human resources for health technical working group. Read more »
On Our Blog
Saving Mothers’ Lives
What is striking about the elements needed to save mothers’ lives is that they require a strong health system. Read more »
Linking the Millennium Development Goals with Human Resources for Health
After being escorted past more security guards than I’ve encountered in my entire life, I arrived in a conference room in the United Nations building eager to hear luminaries discuss the critical link between human resources for health and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Read more »
Keeping Health Workers in the Communities That Need Them
I spotted an article in the Washington Post about a young doctor who accepted a position in rural Virginia. She and other health workers are struggling to balance their professional commitment with the drawbacks of living far from an urban center. Read more »
Developer to Developer: Creating a Regional Support Network at the Unconference
Global Leaders Speak Out for Health Workforce Partnerships
How a Two-Week Course Changed My Thinking on Health Systems Strengthening
The Digital Nomad: Blogging from the Health Information Systems Unconference
Knowledge Library
CapacityPlus Brochure (French)
Une brève présentation du projet mondial CapacityPlus.
Global Leadership
Provides an overview of CapacityPlus's technical leadership and advocacy to grow the global HRH movement at the global, regional, and national levels.
HRH Policy and Planning
Provides an overview of CapacityPlus's work to strengthen HRH policy, planning, and management so that effective implementation of HRH initiatives at the country level can be sustained.
HRH Workforce Development
Provides an overview of CapacityPlus's work to accelerate and improve the supply of quality health workers by strengthening preservice education, in-service training, and continuing professional development.
HRH Performance Support Systems
Provides an overview of CapacityPlus's work to develop a comprehensive catalog of strategies and interventions to improve health worker retention and productivity.
Evidence-Based HRH Approaches and Knowledge-Sharing
Provides an overview of CapacityPlus's work in building, communicating, and disseminating the evidence base that will transform promising practices into best practices.
Get Involved
CapacityPlus is the USAID-funded global project uniquely focused on the health workforce needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.