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ITC 2015 Announces the
Pre-Conference Workshops

Start your conference experience early by attending one of our Pre-Conference Workshops. This year we have curated an extra-special line-up of workshops designed for intense personal and professional development in several important domains, including psychology, spirituality, leadership, personal growth, systems language, metatheory, and more.

We are very pleased to offer two half-day workshops at no charge. Introduction to Critical Realism and Integral Theory 101: Putting AQAL to Work are especially helpful to those who are relatively new to these metatheories. They’re also a great way for those more familiar with them to refresh and deepen your understanding and feel more prepared for the rest of the conference presentations and events.
Attendees have the opportunity to select one full-day workshop or two half-day workshops. All Pre-Conference Workshops are held on July 16, 2015. We expect all workshops to sell out, so early registration is advised.

Half-Day Workshops

Nick Hedlund-DeWitt with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
Introduction to Critical Realism

This workshop will provide an introduction to critical realism, an integrative metatheory founded in the 1970s by the late British philosopher Roy Bhaskar. Many integral scholars now regard critical realism, alongside integral theory and complex thought, as among the most comprehensive and sophisticated integrative metatheories developed to date. Thus, critical realism is a sphere of theory and practice that can be deeply instructive for integral scholar-practitioners ready to broaden their intellectual purview beyond that of Wilberian integral theory. Critical realism’s three primary phases (basic critical realism, dialectical critical realism, and meta-Reality) will be discussed, along with some of its key critiques of integral theory. Finally, we will explore some contributions integral theory might make to critical realism.

Jeff Cohen
Integral Theory 101: Putting AQAL to Work

This workshop will introduce participants to the five basic elements of Wilber’s AQAL Integral Model. For those new to AQAL, this workshop will serve as a crash course on the basic foundations of the AQAL model. For those with some prior grounding in Wilber’s Integral Theory, this workshop will serve as a means to gear up for deeper explorations of current and future advancements in integrative metatheories throughout the conference. Participants in this workshop will be offered opportunities to actively engage the five elements as mechanisms for personal or professional growth, change, and action in line with the conference theme.

Sarah Markshank
Embody Impact: A Somatic Based Exploration

Embody is a playful somatic experience exploring the integration of body and spirit through mindful self-awareness. During Embody Impact you will explore how you impact the world, inquire where you source your inspiration from, and discover how you are inclined to adjust the ways you currently bring your greatest self forward. Embody is a mindful movement experience incorporating music and silence. Participants move organically through Three Realms: Stillness, Movement, and Witnessing. Participants of Embody Impact will have the opportunity to share their insights and discuss the value of somatic-based approaches within integral applications.

Elliott Ingersoll
The Death of DSM and the Integral Revolution in Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment

2013 saw both the release of DSM-5 and the beginning of its inevitable demise. The statistical problems that have weakened many diagnoses in DSM-5 and the financial prohibitions the manual imposes on clinicians have created a void where integral diagnosis and treatment can gain a foothold in the conventional mental health world. In this workshop participants will learn about complementary diagnostic manuals (The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, The International Classification of Diseases, and Diagnostic Classification for Children Ages 0-3) as well as how to use the integral model to diagnose and treat mental disorders and understand theories of etiology.

Linda Berens
Perspectives and Human Agility — Using Integrated Multiple Typologies to Foster Individual and Organizational Transformation

We often get stuck in our own perspectives. Increasingly we need to be agile in managing our perspectives and taking others’ perspectives. Single lens typologies do not match the complexity of being human. Learn some of the simple rules that drive our meaning making, our behaviors, our interactions, and even our organizational structures. Experience an integrally informed, developmental approach to type models that integrate with Jungian typology. Find out the core drivers, talents, and stressors from three different, easily accessible lenses and a map for shadow work and development. Explore a new model and applications to your work as a change agent.

John Dupuy and Dr. Bob Weathers
The Future of Recovery is Integral

In this workshop, we will cover the basic Integral map as applied to recovery from alcoholism, addiction, depression, PTSD, and existential isolation. We will teach about how an Integral Recovery daily practice is what makes this approach so very effective ― one that strengthens and heals the body, refreshes and reinvigorates the mind, heals the emotions, illuminates the shadow, and deepens one's spiritual connection to one's essential self and the universe. We will also give participants an experiential taste of iAwake Technologies' powerful brainwave entrainment meditation tools, which contribute in so many ways to a lifetime of sobriety, recovery, and growth.

Beena Sharma and Susanne Cook-Greuter
Developmental Stage Integration — An Experiential Workshop

This experiential workshop will take participants through each stage of development as described by ego development theory. We will take some time to explore aspects of that stage that we may have dis-identified with, examine how that shows up in our way of being currently, and work through owning and re-claiming the wisdom of the stage under examination. Participants will pause and explore with a partner their own memories and attitudes towards the stage, starting with the earliest. By the end of this workshop, participants will get a taste of the different stages of ego development not as theoretical abstractions, but as aspects of their own meaning making. Participants will experience how embracing each stage and its power can contribute to one’s ongoing development and integration as well as toward greater compassion for all on life’s journey.

Maureen Metcalf
Leading Organizational Transformation — An Integral Approach

This workshop will explore the seven-stage transformation model and how integral theory and developmental theory are woven into a practical leading transformation framework. This work is the foundation of the book Innovative Leadership Guide to Transforming Organizations, winner of the 2013 International Book Award for Best Business Reference book. It is also the text used in the Capital MBA class focusing on organizational transformation. This model is designed to integrate integral and developmental theory into a framework that is accessible to developmental levels of achiever and beyond. Our intent was to create something that leaders in organizations could access.

Bruce Alderman and Lisa Celentano
Impacting Religion: Integral and Participatory Spiritualities in Dialogue

In this experimental dialogical encounter, Integral and Participatory practitioners will engage in spirited discussion and debate of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach for responding to the unique religious and spiritual challenges of our time — to validate the religious impulse for a post-secular culture, support religious diversity, facilitate interreligious relationships, foster frameworks for trans-lineage practice and understanding, meet the many ethical challenges of a world in crisis, and respect and cultivate the radical potentials of human being. Participants in the workshop will have opportunities to practice experiential exercises and to participate in breakout discussion groups on important themes covered in the opening panel discussion.

Robert Gordon
The Integral Boardroom — Game Changer at the Epicenter of Capitalism?

This workshop will explore whether the Integral Project can impact the discourse and practice of the contemporary board space and positively contribute to the revision of capitalism, raising consciousness, and relieving suffering. It will look at the current board space — psychology, behavior, culture, systems, governance, gurus, and gangsters. There will be feedback and case studies from three years at the coal face, applying Integral modeling in chair, CEO and board performance reviews. This is an invitation for workshop participants, leaders, chairs, directors, and CEOs to contribute from their theater of experience, to engage and co-create to strengthen an emerging Integral Boardroom discourse/model, where the rubber hits the road, to impact boardrooms everywhere, now and into the future.

Bill Torbert, Hilary Bradbury, Dana Carman, and Nancy Willis
Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry: Practicing Timely Action Research for Efficacy and Transformation

Action researchers bring together action and reflection, theory and practice in participation with others, in the pursuit of practical solutions to issues of pressing concern. Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry (CDAI) simultaneously catalyzes and documents transformational change in persons and organized social entities. We examine how CDAI more closely integrates theory and practice, as well as action and research, than other current integral meta-theories. In this paper/workshop/session, we will: 1) establish the significance of CDAI for organizational and leadership practice; 2) introduce key elements of the CDAI approach with mini-practices; 3) illustrate the work with cases; 4) engage audience participation.

Full-Day Workshops

Lakia Green
Integral Diversity: Building a Foundation for Integral Practice

Building upon Morin’s concept of “teaching the human condition,” participants will explore why Integral Diversity concepts must serve as the foundation of their scholar-practitioner study. Using sample activities, participants will be introduced to the key concepts of Integral Diversity and their relevance to various disciplines. In the second half of the session, participants will learn a process for developing cross-disciplinary and diversity-informed activities and interventions designed to have optimal impact. The remainder of the session will allow participants to apply the concepts learned, where they will have an opportunity to build and present a short, diversity-informed activity of their choice.

Diane Musho Hamilton, Cindy Lou Golin, Rob McNamara, and Rebecca Colwell
Integral Facilitation: Presence, Energy, and Perspective

This facilitation workshop practically applies integral principles to the art of presenting and facilitating. Ideal for conference presenters, trainers, and group facilitators, this workshop focuses on the facilitator (rather than the skill) and explores new approaches to enhancing your experience at the front of the room. As an Integral Facilitator, work with the here and now, take more perspectives, and embrace more of your experience, including dissonance, challenge, and shadow. Access more choices in the moment and more capacity to address the full complexity of what is happening — in the energetics of the room, in the emotional domains of the interpersonal, in the realms of power and influence, in decision-making and conflict. 

Terry Patten
Embodying the Intelligence of Your Heart and Soul

This workshop will catalyze meaningful connections among participants while teaching embodied Integral Life Practice, including my recent innovations on Integral Soul Work. It will be intensively experiential, flexibly flowing among second-person (fun, relational practices to cultivate intimacy) and first-person (meditative and introspective experiential) processes, also offering third-person perspectives and frameworks to anchor understanding. We will create a safe space to notice and release the armoring around our hearts and to open into intimacy with ourselves and each other, then flow into deepening “We-space” and embodied breath-based transformational exercises, in contact with the subtle and causal grace of the transcendental Mystery. 

Doshin Michael Nelson Roshi
A One-Day Integral Zen Workshop: Integrating Naked Creative Awareness in all Four Quadrants of Our Lives

This workshop begins in the Upper Left Quadrant of our internal experience. We use an Integral foundation and the Mondo Zenâ„¢ process of JunPo Denis Kelly Roshi to directly experience and claim the deep truth of who we are: Naked Creative Awareness, which already is and has always been right here. This is peak state experience of the True Self, the union of wisdom and compassion. Come experience a taste of the Four Quadrant Practices of Integral Zen. This is a path of rigorous practice, which enables clarity, wisdom, selfless caring, deep compassion, creativity, and effortless work to tetra arise spontaneously in all quadrants of our lives.

Terri O’Fallon and Kim Barta
STAGES: An Integrative Meta-theory that Catalyzes Effective Change in the Fields of Psychotherapy, Coaching, Spiritual Direction, and Clergy

This day-long workshop will feature the STAGES developmental model, which uses the AQAL meta-theory as the structure for 12 developmental levels and its scoring approach. Iterating patterns that up-shift through four sub-quadrant tiers will be used to illustrate a practical approach for psychotherapists, coaches, and spiritual guides to ascertain, in the moment, the developmental level of their client and to adjust and apply appropriate methods adaptively as a client responds to shadow material coming from earlier developmental levels. 

Matthew Rich-Tolsma, Dr. Theo Dawson, and Aiden Thornton
Cultivating the Integral Mind: Fostering the Emergence of Increasingly Complex and Integrated Neural Networks

In this workshop we will support teachers, trainers, coaches, and consultants in gaining a better understanding of Lectica’s integrative learning model, which engages virtual cycles of learning to build the robust neural networks and reflective-analytic skills required to navigate the complexities of 21st century life and citizenship. We will begin by setting this learning model in the integral context, then focus on providing a range of experiences with Lectica’s developmental assessment technology and the specific tools and reflective-analytic practices that individuals (and organizations) need to reach their full potential.

Tim Winton
PatternDynamicsâ„¢ One-Day Embodiment Workshop

This workshop will be led by PatternDynamicsâ„¢ creator Tim Winton. It focuses on learning PatternDynamicsâ„¢ practices through an engaging embodied group process that culminates in a unique state experience of integral awareness. Gain new competencies in purpose-driven, collaborative systems thinking and better decision-making designed to help you solve social and organizational challenges in a complex world. Obtain solutions and insights into your current personal and organizational challenges as part of the workshop process. Join us and learn integral skills for making change at the systems level. 
Register now for ITC 2015
ITC gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our sponsors, without whom the conference would not be possible:

MetaIntegral Foundation, Inc. is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation and is a public charity exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions made to the organization are tax deductable to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID #45-2591149

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