Newsletter #140 for February 27, 2015
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Important Reminder to Check Computer Backups

We received this note from a community who hopes that others can learn from their mistakes:

"Apparently sometime week our network was infected with the CryptoWall virus. The exact cause is still being checked out by our IT person but he suspects it came by email. It encrypted our files including our billing software so they were not accessible. We immediately went to our back up but discovered even though we had been changing our tapes daily, the server had not backed up in some time. In our situation we had to make a decision to lose several months' worth of information or pay a $500 ransom. As bad as we hated to we paid the fee and now we are back up and running. I wanted to pass this along to you as you may want to make others aware of this and to encourage them to actually check their backups to make sure they are working not just assume they are."

Position Opening at Wichita State University EFC

Wichita State University is currently seeking applicants for the position of Program Manager.

The primary role of the Program Manager will be to conduct community service projects and oversee programs for the Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs/Environmental Finance Center (here after “the School”). The position will provide assistance to communities through project and research assistance; develop and deliver professional development trainings; and provide on-site utility and financial technical assistance.

Constituents include a variety of government professional groups, but the primary audience will be local government environmental professionals. The position will report to the Director of the Environmental Finance Center and will provide support on a variety of environmental and finance related topics.

To apply online, go to Offers of employment are contingent upon completion of background checks as required by the Kansas Board of Regents. Wichita State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Related: Position Openings in New Mexico's Drinking Water Program

Free Webinar

Find Money in the Water System Budget
March 3, 2015 at 2pm EST
Hosted by the Environmental Finance Center Network

Understanding your utility’s energy expenses is one of the first steps to controlling and likely reducing your energy expenses. This webinar you will walk through the first four steps of implementing an energy management plan.
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Free Resource

Cold Weather Checklist for Water Utilities
National Environmental Services Center

This primer and 5-step checklist will help you double check that you're prepared during this time of the year.

Click here to download.

Discovered via ASDWA's CapCert Connections blog
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Featured Video: Mapping the Water Under Our Feet

NASA's new SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) satellite will provide worldwide soil moisture readings every 2-3 days. This data will be invaluable to scientists, engineers, and local decision makers alike, improving flood prediction and drought monitoring.

Click here to watch.
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Share This

"Every day is a water day. This 2015 calendar will improve your water smarts!"


Share This offers useful of interesting information that can be shared with the public and other stakeholders.

Reading Selections

Preparing for Sanitary Surveys
This checklist from RCAP offers a rundown of what you need to do, know, and have on hand before your sanitary survey site visit.

Successful Partnerships between Agriculture and Water Utilities Highlighted
White paper highlights nine successful municipal-agricultural collaborations across the U.S. that address water quality issues at the watershed level.

Dry pipes are bad enough — a useless information pipeline makes it worse
This commentary highlights the importance of consistent and regular communication during a water emergency.

San Francisco Water Supply Gets Earthquake-Proofed
A new tunnel beneath the San Francisco Bay intended to secure the water supply in the event of an earthquakes began providing service in November.

Recently on the Blog

Protecting Drinking Water Sources through Agricultural Conservation Practices
New source water protection toolkit aids collaboration between water systems and landowners.

Start Planning Your Water Conservation Program With This Toolbox
This free toolbox helps utilities get started on their water conservation planning.

Free Videos Offered by WEF
Video resources offer operators a chance to catch presentations at a convenient time.
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