Please understand that the Otter Trail is an operating Wilderness Trail and that only twelve permitted hikers are allowed to start the five day hiking trail per day. As such trail running on the trail outside of the organised event is not possible. SANParks identified illegal trespassing on the Otter Trail as the biggest threat to the continuation of the Otter Run or any kind of trail running within the park. We have had no reports of this happening and have agreed to assist in communicating the parks policies on this matter to our participants. We will have no hesitation in reporting to them anyone who selfishly compromises the goodwill trail running has garnered from our National Parks.
Where you can train The 3 km of the trail from the Storms River Mouth Rest Camp to the Waterfall is open to day visitors and participants are welcome to recce this section. The park and its surround also do have may other world class trails, particularly on the Natures Valley Side of the park, which are open for trail running all year round. Please consider other park visitors if running on these trails!! We also encourage every one of our participants to hike the Otter Trail at some point in their lives. The Otter Run/Challenge is a trail running experience and as magnificent as it is, it is no substitute to spending five days submerged in the pristine wilderness. Put hiking the Otter Trail on your bucket list!
Our base of operations including Registration, The Prologue Run, Briefings, Finish Line and the After Race Dinners will be located at the De Vasselot Campsite, Natures Valley for this year’s Classic Edition of Otter Run/Challenge. A full range of accommodation at the start and the finish of the race is available on the Otter Shop ranging from camp sites to houses, oceanettes and forest huts. Be sure to browse both pages for the best option for you! All listed prices are packages for two persons over two nights.
For those of you who intend staying longer and taking advantage of your visit to one of the most trail rich parts of the world you can extend your stay after the event by booking accommodation through SANParks. The Villages of Natures Valley and Storms River Village (just inland from the park) make for excellent bases to launch your odyssey from. Both Villages have access to world class trails and the area is also hotbed of many exciting adventure activities.
Note that the organisation provides transport from the Natures Valley to the start of the races at the Storms River Camp Site. You are welcome to travel in your own vehicles to the start of the race but must make your own arrangements for your vehicle to be picked up. Other shuttle service are offered but more details of these will be made available in later news letters or contact our offices.
The 10km Dassie Trail Run is timed to finish just before the first runners of the The Classic Otter Run are due to arrive. If you have trail running family and friends accompanying you or anyone who wants to be an active part of the 2015 Classic and have a front row seat to the finish line of the Grail of Trail then participating in the Dassie is a perfect way to do that. Natures Valley route has received wide acclaim as one of the best meter for meter 10 km trail running routes ever. Entries open 1st of June 2015.