Learn about our Software Carpentry Bootcamp@UVa, register for an upcoming workshop, or apply for an open student position with Research Data Services.
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March 2015

Software Carpentry Bootcamp@UVa

The U.Va. Library's Research Data Services is partnering with the U.Va. Data Science Institute to host a software skills bootcamp for graduate students, postdocs, and other scientists on April 16-17, 2015. During the two-day bootcamp, participants will learn basic computing skills—using the Bash shell, version control with Git, computing and analysis with Python, and more. Software Carpentry is a nonprofit organization on a mission to help researchers use computing skills to be more productive. It's free, but space is limited! 

Learn more about the bootcamp and register on our website.

Upcoming Workshops

Interested in learning about social network analysis, building and querying SQL databases, or using Git for version control? Join us for these upcoming workshop. For all Research Data Services workshops, check out our calendar of events.

We're Hiring!

Research Data Services is accepting applications through April 30, 2015 for the following positions:
  • Statistical Consulting Associate: we're looking for graduate students to work in the StatLab, the statistical consulting service within the University of Virginia Library. The statistical consulting associates will work with full-time statistical consultants to advise and educate researchers through one-on-one consultations, workshop instruction, and written tutorials.
  • Data Consultant: we're seeking a graduate student to work in the Library Data Commons@Curry helping researchers locate numeric and geospatial data, understand data documentation, and open data files in various statistical and GIS software packages. The data consultant will also assist with creating online guides and tutorials to help researchers find existing data resources.
  • Research Software Support Assistant: we need undergraduate or graduate students who can assist users with obtaining, installing, and licensing statistical, mathematical, and scientific software packages distributed at U.Va. Students will provide walk-in support services and help answer questions that come in on an email listserv.
Applicants must apply through CAVLink. Visit our website for more information.
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