Hi <<First Name>>,

Can I be honest for a second? It's been a craptastic week! I'm not going to go into details because ranting posts are the worst, but every once and awhile you just have to stop your feet, shake your fists, and scream a little to get it all out. Toddlers don't have to have all the fun.

Today is Friday the 13th, a day that most people think of as "unlucky," and go out of their way to avoid important appointments, meetings, or decisions on this day because only bad can happen (usually semi-jokingly, but kind of actually seriously just for good measure).

Here's the thing about Friday the 13th, it's only unlucky because you've been conditioned to think it's unlucky.

Wanna know the actual origin of the whole Friday-the-13th-is-basically-doomsday-run-for-your-life?

The truth is, no one knows. Many people connect it with Biblical origins, but there's no written mention of it until the 19th century.

I think it's just because 13 isn't an incredibly common grouping, is a prime number, and doesn't exactly fit (12 months, 12 apostles, 12 Olympic gods, 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 tribes of Israel, etc.). And Friday was the day Jesus was crucified and the day governed by the Grecian god of war, Ares.


And yet I don't see any of you turning down a baker's dozen or abstaining from cheering "TGIF!"

Find something bad about any number. Find something bad about any day of the week. Market it well, create enough hype, and you'll create a brand new phobia of your own. It's all about framing.

Lose someone close to you? Spread a little extra care and gratitude to the ones you love.

Have a ridiculous day at work? Go out of your way to do one extra thing to show your boss (or clients, if you're the boss) that you are a rockstar.

In a creative slump? Log out, shut down, and go experience life.

There are some things you can control and some things you can't, but when it comes to your happiness, you are in charge of the way you view the world. So adjust your framing, find the silver lining, and keep chasing your passions.

Now, you probably know that I work with creatives and bloggers to help them improve their SEO (in a non-techie) way and write compelling copy for their about and services pages. So this Friday the 13th is your lucky day:

Reply to this email with your blog/website address and I'll give you one FREE SEO tip to help you improve your site.


Sending positive vibrations, creative energies + wonderful weekend wishes,



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