Community Update
March 2015
Dear Neighbours,
Gilmore Park News
Traffic Calming is Coming to Glen Allan
Further to the letter you received in the mail from Strathcona County. Gilmore Park Community League volunteers are working with the Strathcona County Transportation Department and their consultants so that we can come together as neighbours and share our thoughts regarding the installation of traffic calming measures on Glenbrook Blvd. and adjacent streets.
Please plan to attend one of the interactive workshops your input will help shape our neighbourhood!
Wednesday, March 25 from 6:30-8:30pm upstairs at the Glen Allen Recreation Centre (GARC) *Note the venue changed since the letter was mailed out
& Thursday, March 26 from 9:30-11:30am upstairs at GARC
These events are family-friendly and activities are planned for the children in attendance
Register your attendance at www.strathconacounty.ca/glenallen or by contacting Debbie Rawson at 780-416-6726.
Graffiti in the Park

Last month graffiti appeared on 5 different pieces of gilmore park property, and recently additional graffiti was found on the new cement. The graffiti has been removed by Strathcona County thanks to a neighbour who promptly reported it!
Visit www.gilmorepark.ca to see our blog post on ways to protect your property from graffiti. Most importantly we all need to keep an eye out for unwanted activity in the nieghbourhood.
When you see graffiti report it - twice
- Call the RCMP's non-emergency line, 780-467-7741
- Report it with Recreation Parks and Culture by calling 780-464-8470 or emailing graffiti@strathcona.ca. If you can, please take a photo and send it with your email or drop it off at 2025 Oak Street in Sherwood Park.
- Remove it fast! By eliminating graffiti vandalism quickly, property owners show they care about their community's image and security. Also, the faster you remove it, the less likely it is that taggers will return. Free graffiti removal kits are available from the Strathcona County Recreation Parks and Culture Department.
For more information visit:
Lost Item
A 'new' FLEXFIT baseball hat (in a bag) was found on a front lawn on Glenridge Ro March 5th. Email gilmorepark@live.com if this is your lost bag.
Hope to see you March 25th or 26th,
Gilmore Park Community League |