March 9, 2015

Events at Hostos Community College

Mi gente, we have several opportunities to set up and sell our art at Hostos College in April as they are having several very interesting events that are perfect for us.

To participate as a vendor contact Felix Arocho: By phone 718-518-7744 or by email, let him know which event or events you are interested in and ask him for the details. The college usually asks us to pay $25.00 per table.

The events are:

Pedro Albizu Campos Vive!
50 Años de su fallecimiento

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 beginning at 6:30 pm

Commemorating the passing of the father of Puerto Rican nationalism. An art exhibition will also be held on this day at the Longwood Gallery (Hostos Center for the Arts, first floor)

Main Theater 
Thursday, April 23, 2015 beginning at 7:30 p.m.

By popular demand, the four-time Grammy nominated 12-piece ensemble from Puerto Rico returns to Hostos Center to perform their own unique, high-energy blend of bomba, plena and Caribbean grooves.

Roy Brown & El Topo
Main Theater 
Saturday, April 25, 2015 beginning at 7:30 p.m.

Two of Puerto Rico's most beloved folk singers and the voices of a generation - Roy Brown and Antonio Cabán Vale "El Topo" - come directly from the Island for a special concert commemorating the 50th anniversary of the passing of the revered political leader and champion of the Puerto Rican independence movement.
Copyright © 2015 PRIDA/Comité Noviembre, All rights reserved.
PRIDA is a project of Comité Noviembre.
Our mission is to promote and provide support for the Puerto Rican artists and the arts. 

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