• Nor'easter Express • Online Web/Email Bulletin of the Northeastern District •
March 21, 2015 • Issue 2015-01
It Brings New Life to the NED!
Yes - it's still cold and snowy for most here in the northeast.
But we're heating up now!
Introducing... The new website and new newsletter!
Hello, <<AddDate>>!
Welcome to the "new" newsletter of the Northeastern District!
"NEX" - the Nor'Easter EXpress. About time, eh?
We've got some exciting news! Don't touch that "Delete" button just yet!
Please READ all the way through this initial, inaugural, intro message. There are important considerations here for every member!
Introduction & House Business
A few introductory words, here and now - about what's new!
A note from your interim editor:
The last NED "District Bulletin" publication was the Nor'easter issue of Spring 2011. Those last few issues were challenging to create and publish due to the very simple fact that submissions --your stories, pictures, news, ads-- were sparse; few and far between. The last Nor'easter editors and support folks begged for your stories and contributions. "Pulling teeth" is tough to enjoy. And yet, so many NED members comment, then and today, of how much they enjoy the news and learning about the happenings in the NED. OK - let's work on that!
Well, this is really YOUR publication. It is THE official news and marketing publication for you and your chapter, your quartet, your friends and neighbors. It's not just a cliche - this really is YOUR newsletter. Frankly - its success depends on you. So, please join your fellow friends and members by contributing. Share your experiences about singing barbershop harmony, being a member, and the business and events of the day. Tell YOUR story! Please.
Has your quartet or chapter done some amazing things? Share. New member experiences? Share. Chapter and personal accomplishments? Share. Stumbling blocks? Share. Learning tools and advice? Bring it on!
It is our intention to bring this communication to you twice each month. Just to keep you informed and "on-top" of district and local news and information. We really do not wish to annoy you or fill your Inbox with needless/useless messages. So, please keep that in mind. This is also VERY new and we're still learning. Expect NEX issues to appear near and after the 1st and 15th day of each month, on a Monday or soon thereafter. We'll do our best to keep this newsletter short (not today). We may start an article in the email message - and if you're interested - click a link to read the rest of it. Some issues may repeat content from previous issues - we'll keep that at the bottom and think twice before doing so (however, rarely is the message "received" the first time!). Expect new news and articles at the beginning. If we have an important, timely announcement, you will receive a "special issue" - and appropriately marked - and brief. Official District officer communications will continue to be delivered to you directly by the District VP/officer. Not here, necessarily. We want to keep this publication interesting for the entire NED..
OLD and NEW:
The original Nor'easter "bulletin" was a printed newspaper publication and mailed to members. Started in the late 50's maybe? By 1999, we had switched to a regular "letter" size format. Printed and mailed quarterly. That proved to be expensive and took lots of effort and resources. Enter computers and online dependency. We switched by 2006 to a "printable" PDF format and push-delivered to a member's Inbox. We asked that you share the Nor'easter by printing a copy and making it available at your chapter meetings - with enough copies to share with men who were not connected via email/computer. In 2011, since a Nor'easter editor had not surface to continue the publication, it stopped being produced. Now, we're back. However, we need your help in order to keep this alive and healthy!
Subscribers to the six official NED "division" Yahoo! Groups: you will receive one more message from me, there, today. Otherwise, the official NED Division Yahoo Groups are retiring. Many thanks to Jim Dodge for establishing that system of communication - and for his many years of devoted management of the subscribers and monitoring content and submissions.
THE FUTURE is Yours:
Now - about that "interim editor" thing at the start here. Honest: this gets a wee-bit personal for me. I LOVE presentation - and delivering new and exciting campaigns to all of my clients. I love being creative. I LOVE TO SING. I love serving you. It's been a tough year for me - but this has been a labor of love: the new web site and resurrecting the Nor'easter as an Express newsletter. However, I cannot continue to grow and bring new items to OUR plate and help others with what I do best - if I am to be an ongoing Nor'easter editor. So, with this message today, I am asking for you, or someone you know who is passionate about this great "more-than-a-hobby" thing called barbershop harmony, to step up and discuss the opportunity to manage a Northeastern District bulletin - print or online. I am happy, willing and able to discuss the possibilities and "ease-into" the production while I assist, instruct and support you. But I need you to volunteer today and help out. It really can be a labor of love for you, too.
Finally - Many thanks to Antonio Lombardi for his amazing grace, poise, expertise and general "I've got your back, Steve" - for his untiring devotion to barbershop harmony for you and your District. He has been a vital resource, link and advisor in the unveiling of the new web site - and indeed for many programs in the NED. Thank you, Antonio.
Thank you, all - especially for your patience.
Steve Salamin
DVP-Marketing & Public Relations
"The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have."
— Leonard Nimoy
Harmony Explosion Camp Northeast 2015
How Can I Help?
Frequently, there is this statement and question: "Our chapter is not in a place to donate monetarily to HXNE 2015, is there another way I can help with Harmony Explosion Camp Northeast?"

The answer is YES!
We really need help from our chapters to act as ambassadors to their local schools and communities, assisting us in letting them know about HXNE!
This is actually multifaceted... not only is HXNE for High School Aged Students (13-18 years old) but its ALSO for Music Educators (college music education majors and professional educators). We also have a "peer leader" program for those who are aged (18-23) and of course are looking for chaperones (aged 24+)! All information about these different programs can found on our website: www.nedistrict.org/hxne
So here's the point: can your chapter commit to help us in reaching out to at least 2-3 of the local schools in your area, and just sharing our flyer with them and also our website? You'd be surprised at how much of an impact that could make on our districts program! By all means, your chapter can go much farther then that and promote it other ways too, such as local community groups, etc.
For your convenience, please see the links below for a few documents. One is a template for you to utilize that explains HXNE and is written directly for Music Educators! This way you can add your information and send it off to whom you think it would be most beneficial!
So you know, we do have scholarships available on a need basis (through the generous donations of our chapters and partners). Scholarship applications can be found on our website also. (If you'd like to donate personally, or corporately, you can, of course, still do that by going to our website.)
SPECIAL NOTE: See a link below for a list of our "Frequently Asked Questions" about HXNE. This should help you. However - remember - if there is a question that someone asks you about HXNE 2015 and you're not comfortable answering, please refer them to Antonio Lombardi, your HXNE 2015 director. He would be more than happy to answer your questions! We want to be sure that a consistent, clear message is conveyed.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns about this... please do not hesitate to reach out to Antonio.
2015 Convention!
Hello Members of the great Northeastern District!
Exciting things are happening behind the scenes! A NEDCON Task Force was created last November to plan for the upcoming 2015 Fall District Convention in Burlington, Vermont. We have 12 guys looking at all aspects of the convention. We administered a survey to all members of the District, seeking your inputs on what you want for the convention. The results were very useful! Thank you! The Task Force met at the convention site on February 21st to preview the venue and review preliminary plans and work flows. This is going to be fantastic! Here are some of the things we are planning (in no special order):
- Open Quartet contest (2 sessions on Friday Oct 16th)
- Open Chorus contest (Saturday Oct 17th)
- Boat cruise on Sunday Oct 18th
- A Banquet with buffet and live entertainment (Saturday 6:00-7:30pm)
- We Sing! (a Flashmob singout at a nearby Shopping Mall)
- We Serve! (a community service event nearby on Friday afternoon)
- Activities for Wives (to be announced as we get closer)
- A Joe Barbershop Chorus (mic-testers Saturday morning Chorus contest)
- Special commemorative T-Shirts
- VIP seating, if desired (a paid upgrade)
- “BarberTot” program (babysitting services)
- NEDAC Show of Champions (Saturday night)
- Chorditorium (planned for Friday and Saturday nights)
- Chapter Hospitality Suites (tbd - Chapter sponsored)
WOW! More information is on our new NED website now - with more being added soon.
I look forward to seeing you in the fall in Burlington, Vermont!
Guy Haas
NEDCON Task Force Chairman
NED Executive VP
A new web site!
... features a teaser COVER page.
See the yellow "GO TO.." box button
Go directly to the new NED Calendar!
The home page.
New navigation!
New graphics! Easy to read!
New Information!
- Fall 2015 District Convention
- Harmony Explosion Camp NE
- Harmony College 2015
- Alton Bay Jamboree
and lots more!
Finale. This inaugural issue of the Nor'easter Express bulletin of the Northeastern District is hereby dedicated to, and honors, the selfless barbershopper who recent succumbed to his courageous battle with cancer, at such a young age. Steven Isherwood was a great supporter of a great many things. A superb barbershopper by any and all stretches of one's imagination. He was a great supporter of my work and my efforts, of marketing - and singing and having fun. He was waiting for this day - when a Nor'easter and email marketing would resurface. I am only sorry that this was not ready in-time for him to realize. He knows, though. Thanks, Steven. RIP.
Next Issue: Planned for around Monday, March 30.