Whirlwind - tApril (Middle School)
Come to Whirlwind wearing something made out of duct tape. LEARN MORE
April 17 or tApril 17 | 7:00 pm | At Central
Denominational News
You may have heard in the news that a majority of presbyteries in the United States recently passed a constitutional amendment changing the Book of Order. The amendment, which was discussed in a series of town hall meetings here last fall, creates a new option for congregations in our denomination to conduct wedding ceremonies for same sex couples.  However, the amendment also specifically guarantees that no congregation is required to do so. In prayerful fidelity to our long-standing understanding of the Biblical model of marriage, the session at Central has not changed our policy regarding weddings or marriage. If you want more information regarding our position and approach to these matters, please see Session's Response to the General Assembly Action, found on Central's website.
Acts4Youth - Provide juice boxes, sports drinks, individual sized bags of chips, pretzels or Doritos.
Great things are happening!
ServeFest is coming - April 25.
Learn about ways to get involved.
Easter Dedications - Remember a loved one and help cover the cost of decorating Central. Complete the form found in the chair or pew back, enclose your donation and place in the offering.