Mass Street Music Email HeaderMARCH 2015 NEWS
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Graphic - Mass Street Music at Collings Guitars photos

Behind the Scenes at Collings!

Mandolin being polished at Colligns GuitarsTwo of our staff, Eric M., sales and Anne T., marketing, went to Austin, Texas in February to visit Collings Guitars. Though Mass Street Music has been a Collings dealer for acoustic guitars,electric guitarsmandolins and ukes for many years (in fact we were the third dealer ever), this was Eric and Anne's first jaunt to the Collings 'factory'. We say it with quotation marks because really, every instrument Collings builds is custom. Though you'll find CNC (computer numerical control) machines and modern technology, it's truly a workshop with hand crafted work happening around every corner and each guitar, mando and uke is built to be the very best it can be (which always turns out to be phenomenal). "I was entranced by the CNC machines," Eric said, "but the real revelation for me was how the people who do the hand work in the shop transform these very precise, computer-aided objects into instruments with soul."  READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE

March 2015 Mass Street Music Staff Gear Picks


Our Favorites...

Among our Staff Gear Picks this month are several sleek electric guitars, a few stunning specimens of acoustic guitars, a brand new pedal, a redesigned amp that we all want and one very fine mandolin. Check out all of our March Staff Gear Picks here. 
Josh B. - Gibson Vegas High Roller Guitar (used)
Jim B. - Collings D2H MRA VN Acoustic

March News!

We've been working on bringing you better videos with truer audio. Learn more about our videos here or check out our Youtube channel here. We have several great Events coming up, including a uke clinic with the great Jim Jeans on Saturday, April 18 and the Taylor Guitars Road Show on Wednesday night, May 20.  Moog - we've just added Moog effects and synths to our line up, which the whole staff is excited about. READ ALL THE NEWS...

Mass Street Music Newsflash
Moog Pedals at mass street music
concert ticket giveaways at Mass Street Music
Repair Spotlight: vintage Martin 0-42
the latest used music gear at Mass Street Music
Taylor Road Show event at Mass Street may 20
videos at mass street music
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