Emma Plunkett's January art newsletter displays expressive flamenco dancer paintings.
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Dear Art Lover,

Cyanotype Art

These images didn't just appear, they are the result of large chunks of my time spent striving. I watch what works and what doesn't, taking the best elements through into the next picture. Getting the right mix of nature, photography and painting to make these pieces raw, elegant and peaceful.
A silhouette of a hillside with a prominent Mediterranean pine tree, fades down the page into blue brush marks

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Mediterranean Pine II

A2 cyanotype: During one relaxed Sunday afternoon stroll with friends, I stayed back to photograph this tree. I had to climb a bit to get the best angle, so you can see the crest of the opposite hill clearly.
a reclining nude balances a huge fern leaf on her raised hand, surrounded by wishy washy blue colour.

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Goddess of Sincerity II

A2 cyanotype: Strong, powerful and with the body of a Goddess. She gracefully holds a surreally large frond, which I swiped from a potted sword fern plant next door.


These are artworks of their own time, they couldn't have been created any other way or by anybody else. They hold my energy deep into their very being. That's what makes each one of my artworks so unique and individual. Each represents a certain moment in my vain artistic journey, in my need to create. Part of their journey is how you discover them, the meaning you bring to them and how you choose to share in them. 


As usual I am offering a 10% discount, to my loyal newsletter followers, on the art featured in this newsletter. Please enter the following code at the check out of my paintings web shop.


This code is only valid between the 28th March and 28th April 2015.

Thank you for your ongoing curiosity.

Love Emma

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