
The latest from Sunday School at Spring Glen Church

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Sunday School E-News March 2015

Palm Sunday Reminders

On Palm Sunday (March 29) the children will play an important role as we celebrate Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem.  We are asking parents to bring their children to church by 9:50 am on Palm Sunday.  Parents may drop off their children in the Fellowship Room and then take their seats in the Sanctuary. While in the Fellowship Room, Pastor David will introduce Palm Sunday to the children.  Once the service begins at 10, the children will process in during the first hymn waving their palms and participating in a Blessing of the Palms.  The children will not have Sunday School in their classrooms that day, but will meet in Noah's Chapel where we will learn about Holy Week.  Parents may pick up their children at Noah’s Chapel at the conclusion of worship.  The Toddler Room will be staffed that day as normal, but parents are welcome to participate with their toddler during the Processional.  Children in Grades 7 and 8 will stay with their families during worship. 

Please join us for Easter service (April 5) at 10:00 am.  Our family-friendly worship will feature celebratory music, a children’s message, the hearing of the Easter scriptures and Communion.  There will be no Sunday School classes or Toddler Care offered on Easter.  We will provide special children’s bulletins and crayons in the Sanctuary.  The Infant Nursery will be open and the service will be piped in if you or your child need to leave the service.

Easter Egg Hunt
Please join us following worship on Easter Sunday as the CE Committee hosts our Annual Easter Egg Hunt.  We will meet in Coffee Hour where the children will receive baskets to use and hear instructions.  The eggs will be hidden around the church property. Some areas will be reserved for certain age groups.  Every child is promised to find some eggs!  We are seeking donations of individually-wrapped peanut-free candy and small toy items to place in the eggs.  Suggestions include Hershey Kisses, stickers, plastic animals, coins and pencil toppers. Please bring all donations to the Church Office prior to March 29.  We have plenty of baskets for you to use. Eggs have traditionally been a symbol of new life. The dead shell on the outside represents the tomb, whereas the new chick gets life from inside the egg. All are welcome.

March Chapel Time
Children learned about temptation during our Chapel time this month. We acted out the exchanges between Jesus and Satan and talked about what tempts us in life and how hard it is to fight temptations.  I gave them each a piece of bubble wrap to hold, but asked them not to pop it.  Some children did pop it and we discussed why we do things we know we shouldn't do.  We promised to listen to the voices telling us to be good instead of the tempting words from those who want us to make poor behavior choices.

23rd Psalm
Please keep practicing the 23rd Psalm with your child!  They will be reciting it during worship on April 26.  If you need another copy to study, please e-mail me and I will send it to you.

During the fall, the Sunday School students learned about intentional giving.  They received their own offering envelopes and seemed quite proud to put the envelopes in the offering baskets during Sunday School.  In the past few weeks, our offering collections have decreased. Showing gratitude by offering our gifts is a great Lenten message.  If you would like more offering envelopes, please let me know. 

Upcoming Dates:
March 29 – Palm Sunday
April 5 – Easter Worship and Easter Egg Hunt
April 26 – Students from Grades 7 and 8 will be greeting
April 26 – Good Shepherd Sunday – 23rd Psalm recited in church
June 14 – Teacher Appreciation Day


Spring Glen Church
1825 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT  06517
(203) 288-3381

Laurie Bleickardt
Acting Christian Education Coordinator

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