Nico's Notes for 8 April 2015.
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What's up?

Hello <<First Name>>!

So, this is my first official newsletter for Nico's Notes, and I'm still playing with the format, so I hope you'll bear with me as I figure out what this newsletter should be.

I'm thinking it will be chronicle what I'm reading, writing, thinking, and doing -- the most interesting bits, the bits worth sharing.

Let's get started...

What I'm reading...


The Inconvenient Indian

The book that should have won this year's Canada Reads, but was inexplicably voted off on the second day. Thomas King's book on the history of Native Peoples in North America is smart, funny, and utterly devastating, and it is a must-read for all Canadians, no matter what the CBC says.
Here are 10 other things you should read this week:
  1. Margaret Atwood gushes fangirlishly about Game of Thrones and it's lovely.
  2. Adorable tiny birds called blackpolls travel 3,000 km without rest to fly south for the winter. Newfoundland will see their return soon.
  3. Scholars have been trying to straighten out Sappho's sexuality.
  4. The joy of flawless.
  5. Karl Lagerfeld’s cat made $4 million. In the past year. Well then.
  6. Where are the female philosophers? They're around, but few care to teach them.
  7. Medieval automata demonstrated that Islamic mechanics had better magic than Christians.
  8. On Medium's limitations.
  9. Do you care about who picks your food?
  10. My life in no way resembles this comic. (Except that it totally does.)
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at

All the best,

--Nico Mara-McKay
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