Mimolette (12 mos.) by Isigny FRANCE
Product Details: #353735 | 2/7 LB

A Mitey Alliance

Known as the cheese world’s cantaloupe doppelganger, Mimolette is full of French intrigue. First produced in 17th century Flanders around the town of Lille, Mimolette’s exact recipe origins are fervently debated due to similarities with Dutch Edam. Official name recognition of Mimolette only occurred in 1935, after the French-Netherlands Commercial Treaty was signed. 

Charles de Gaulle championed Mimolette, which first strikes the eye, then the tongue. Made with rich, whole cow’s milk, the cheese’s bright tangerine interior is a result of natural annatto dye. Its rough, pitted rind forms as it matures in damp cellars. Regarded by the French as “tiny affineurs,” the mites are introduced on the cheese then constantly brushed to ensure even distribution. The micro-holes in the crust the mites make allow the cheese to breathe, an effective way to enhance the intensely fruity, nutty qualities in Mimolette’s pleasant mild flavor.

Matured for a minimum of six weeks, Mimolette’s taste and coloring deepens with age as its smooth paste hardens and increases in density. Between eight and twelve months, cheese masters test each 7 pound Mimolette with a mallet to determine its quality. 

Application: An excellent choice for a cheese board, Mimolette is also great for grating, especially over pasta and soups. Add it to enhance salads and omelets.

Pairing: A well-rounded fruity Merlot complements the nutty qualities of Mimolette.  For a beer, strong ale really brings the sweet, rich qualities of Mimolette to the forefront
Ruote Pazze Artisanal Pasta
by Benedetto Cavalieri
Product Details: #BC012 | 10/1.1 LB

Perfect pairings

Benedetto Cavalieri is one of the leading (of a small handful) family owned companies that produce pasta by old-world artisanal methods. Founded in 1918, Benedetto Calvalieri continues the family tradition of making pasta according to the time-honored "Delicate method." Using only the highest-quality, freshly milled hard durum wheat (also known as semolina), the process involves long kneading by experienced hands. Every shape of pasta requires a unique blend of semolina flour and water. Secondly, the dough slowly passes through special bronze dies designed to create each shape and give the pasta a rough-textured surface to which sauce clings rather than slipping off. Lastly, after shaping, the pasta is allowed to dry in antique ovens and rest at low temperatures (from 24 to 40 hours depending on the pasta's shape and thickness). Slow drying at low temperatures retains more of the nutty flavor and aroma of durum wheat. Pure, delicious and versatile, Benedetti Cavalieri pasta is one pantry essential you won't want to be without - buonissimo!

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