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“Fix your thoughts on Jesus.” Hebrews 3:1

“Hmm, ‘Fix my thoughts on Jesus.’ …I suppose that means I should be focusing on him, on his Word, on his will, all the time. ...But, wait, that’s not realistic!”


I wonder how many of you would agree with that logic. Maybe you wouldn’t say it out loud; maybe you haven’t formed that specific thought. But I’m guessing it resonates with most of us as we are swept along in the increasingly hectic pace of life in our society. Many struggle to balance family, home, job, church, volunteering, hobbies, friendships, aging parents—what have I missed? AND I should spend time in God’s Word, time in prayer, time identifying the “good works which God prepared in advance for [me] to do” (Ephesians 2:10)?


Actually, yes. That is exactly what we should be doing. But how? Especially in the “parsonage” (whether we live next door to church or in our own house), how do we do that? We know how visible a pastor’s family is to the congregation and community. We know that, often, we are criticized because we either do too much, not enough, or what we do we do the wrong way. It’s hard enough to manage our responsibilities privately, but when we’re “in the congregation’s eye” it’s even tougher.


So how do we do it? We certainly can’t if we look to ourselves – to our own ideas, preferences, strengths, and inclinations. No, every pastor’s wife knows that that attitude is a recipe for failure! “Lean not on your own understanding,” advised Solomon (Proverbs 3:5). Nor do any of the world’s “self-help” philosophies have real value. In John 15:19 Jesus says, "You do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.” And long ago, God said through Isaiah, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (55:10). Even I can grasp that God’s thoughts and ways are far superior to mine or the world’s!


So how can we keep focused on Jesus while juggling our myriad responsibilities? It is both simple and, oh, so hard! It is simple when we realize that keeping our thoughts fixed on Jesus means ordering our priorities according to his will every day. That means we need to know his will, which means spending time in God’s Word—every day, throughout the day. But again you say, “How do I do that?”


A couple of simple tips – first, make it a priority every day to spend even 5 or 10 minutes reading and meditating on a portion of Scripture. Write down those passages that speak to your heart. Use them in conversations with your husband, children, and friends. Search out passages that remind you of things eternal, of your need for humility and repentance, of the strength and peace which God promises, of the loving plans God has for you – whatever speaks to you. Then, stick these passage notes everywhere you look, in your house, in your car, at work, where your children and husband see them, and learn to become comfortable including them in your conversations with each other.


Second, precede everything you do - not just meals - with prayer (“Pray continually” 1 Thessalonians 5:17). This recognition of God’s loving control of all things will draw your heart and mind to commend all things in your day - both great and small - to his gracious care. This leads to contentment amidst the frustrations and tribulations of life, to patience, to perseverance, to thanksgiving in all circumstances.

Do you see what happens to our thoughts and attitudes? Do you see that with thoughts fixed on Jesus all that we do in our daily lives takes on new meaning and purpose? We are doing everything - from the laundry to caring for aging parents - with the attitude of the new creature we are in Christ, not with the self-centered, critical attitude of the old Adam. With Jesus at the heart and pinnacle of our every moment, we have strength and peace to serve Him in all our attitudes and actions.

Ask the Lord

Jesus, be constantly in my heart and mind that I may show forth your love toward everyone in my life. Amen.


By Karla M. Jaeger

Christ Ev. Lutheran, Milwaukee, WI

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Save the Date!


We have 1 Renewal on the calendar so far this year...

Health Kick
November 6-7, 2015
The Hood River Hotel
Hood River, OR

Registration will be up next month.  Invite pw friends to come out and join you for this getaway.

Are you interested in bringing a renewal to your district?  Let me know -- small or large, we'll put it together.
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PWR now has a publications team!  And they are looking for devotion writers.

They would also love a few more members if you're interested in joining the team.

E-mail if you're interested, or even just curious, about helping with writing or joining the team.
We're wearing our faith on our sleeves - actually our  shirts!


PWR's "1 John" shirt is joining others on a new site:
Sheep Shirts

We have a number of designs up to start and more will be coming soon.  
And you might be interested in the Witness Wear tab, sharing ways to use the shirts for outreach and ministry at your church.
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